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Posts posted by BBQdDude

  1. well you have to at least tell us what it is!!!!


    Buwhahahaha ....true


    2018 Honda accord ex-l 1.5t engine


    So I went down one year lower than what I wanted but I HAD to respect my budget that I set. It sucks having the money in cash BUT knowing you have other priorities. Sigh....


    I had an accord already and really liked it but the trim level I had made me miss some things I did not want to give up. So I sold that off to we buy any car (Sorry if I now have that song in your head lol). I did a KBB cash offer to see what dealers would give me and WBAC came in 4700 more so I sold it to them. I actually got more than what I paid about 1 year and 10 months ago with 30K more miles on it. Cool story bro.


    I threw a 200 mile radius on the major car web sites (prior post here) and a

    2018 with 20k miles was the winner out of 15 cars that I called on. It was in Cuyahoga falls and I am in CBus. I had the dealer do a live feed walk around. I went in last Friday and the car had two very very minor scratches maybe 1 inch long (wet sand). Other than that clean inside and out.


    The dealer finance was just that lol. I told them prior to coming in I was doing 90% in cash with financing the rest on a two year term with 4% maximum interest rate. They, once I got there, stated 10k minimum and a 48 month loan at 8%. My rebuttal was, no worries I will pay cash in full. 10 minutes later I had a loan for the amount needed on a two year term with 4.2%. Funny how that works lol.

  2. Never bought out of state before. Possible car purchase will be from a major car dealership in Pa. Most likely cash but might finance 5K just to have an open line of credit.


    How do taxes work? Will I have to pay tax in Pa? Ohio? Both?


    How would registering the car in Ohio work?


    I appreciate the feedback.

  3. My daughter in law is looking at a 2019 Suby WRX limited with 45K miles


    It has been a while since I have owned one. I think before she buys she should get a leak down and compression test. Sound advise or no?


    If that is a yes where in Zanesville would be a good shop to have the two tests done at? I know nothing about Zanneyville

  4. So your saying I could switch careers and be a "firework runner" there huge here in SC and I live on the boarder with NC where they are illegal so at every point a road crosses into SC there's a ton of roadside stands.



    Sure could lol.


    I figure more beer and no one will notice at the party lol. Well except none for the grandkids lol.

  5. I do a yearly fireworks and overnight camping at my house. All last week I spent calling shop after shop to find the best prices. I ended up at Phantom and man was I depressed. Got roughly half the "normal" amount.


    The things we do to make grand kids smile lol.

  6. I did make an assumption it was a V-8 as that is what I would buy ore diesel lol.


    It turns out it was a 6 cyl ecoboost. Average MPGs without a trailer for the Fl trip was 16mpg (went during the pipeline hack).

  7. Not sure if I am using the term correctly?


    I have a bbq charcoal smoker with a metal grate. I need some "cross members" that I need spot welded. The cross members are literally 1-3 mm in depth. The grate is a little thicker.


    Looking for recommends on who could do the work?

  8. Also not sure why you lie to yourself or the internet about a V8 F150 getting 28mpg.


    Because it makes me feel good in my "safe space". Next you will tell me Al Gore did NOT invent the internet.

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