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frenchy chan

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Everything posted by frenchy chan

  1. to sell your house: click on your road...you should see little plus signs below all of your buildings. click on that to get info about that property...it will tell you how much you paid for it and how much it gives you in rent. at the bottom of that card, it should say something about selling the building. click on that once and then it will ask you if you are sure about selling it, just click on it again to confirm the sale. you will only get half the amount back that you paid for it, though.
  2. 1. you can't get rid of the hazard until you get a bulldoze card. i'm not sure if you can sell the road with a hazard on there.... 2. a good strategy to protect your roads is to fill up every bit of land with a building...doesn't matter what size. i usually put up all the big buildings i want and then i fill in all the spaces with whatever buildings will fit. that way there is no room to place a hazard. someone would have to get a bulldoze card first, bulldoze a house, and then get a hazard card and hope that that hazard fits in the spot that they created....most likely not going to happen like that. the cards don't come all that frequently... 3. if you end up filling up your roads with buildings and then receive a bonus building card, you just go back and sell some houses to make room for that bonus building does that answer your questions?
  3. yeah i logged back in and my money was back to normal, so i just rebought the house...thank god
  4. aww bull shit....i just put a 750,000 house down...game took my money but didn't give me the house!
  5. i've been sticking with 5 streets too, but i got hit for taxes last night for $13 million! totally ended my game for the night since i was in the process of replacing smaller buildings with bigger buildings on a long street. totally cut my money in half at the time....
  6. just destroyed a stadium from CBLISA on morse rd. they have a park on the right end of the road. someone needs to destroy that and the road will be unprotected
  7. my points are up to $131,000,000...but i haven't built anything yet and i just got paid
  8. ok well i think i'm doing good going by the $15,000 rent per green house...a lot of my green houses and cottages are 38,000-59,000 in rent on one of my streets, it says my green house is getting $50,000 in rent...is that right? i offered to buy someones road near me a few days ago because i noticed they weren't playing...now i'm just waiting for 7 days to pass.... oh yeah...i only have one account, too
  9. i'd love to get a 6 (even better if it was a speed - i really want awd) sometimes the 3 is just too small for a family...even though it's a hatchback xmas time sucks because everyone gets our daughter toys in huge boxes and we can't fit them all in the hatch the 6's are the only car i would ever consider getting in orange....it looks nice!
  10. what's everyone's score so far? i don't think i have a good strategy, yet, but i just keep plugging away on my streets...slowly replacing buildings with bigger ones... i'm up to 85,450,000....what about you? i'm not trying to get on the leaderboard or anything...that would just screw me, but i have plugged in all the people around me and i've been comparing my score to them...so i'm like 3rd out of those people
  11. yeah...i looked it up...about a grand a week....yikes!
  12. grrr...i sold some houses and then put a bigger building up in its spot....but the computer didn't do it but still took my money
  13. yay! knew it was coming, but now i have a date!
  14. on the global leader board, the nicknames are all cheater # something....fabulous...this game started good, but now seems to be sucking a lot
  15. how is the rent done on larger streets?
  16. road trip would be great fun! gotta work, though...
  17. you get them from chance cards...the more buildings/houses you build, the better chance you have of getting a "bonus building" or a hazard. so keep building! my strategy when i first started was to buy one road and fill it as much as i could with small houses (since i was kinda broke)...i put them about every other spot to make sure there was no room for hazards on my road....the more houses i built, the more chance cards i got.
  18. it runs super slow now....and roads that i was able to buy before the reset are no longer available i click buy streets and it just says looking for available streets...and never finds anything....grrrr
  19. i don't think it's a full reset...i think they are just installing updates i think the full reset will be at the end of january....
  20. i own 8 streets right now...it's slow because i blow all my money and have to wait until the next day....i could sell some houses and upgrade, but i don't want to create any spaces on my roads...right now i don't think you can fit hazards on them
  21. i just read someone's strategy on the game - buy up all the tiny streets that only fit one "house". that way no one can put a hazard on it and you will always have rent coming in....good idea!!....just hope no one demolishes your stuff!
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