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frenchy chan

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Everything posted by frenchy chan

  1. i don't think my boyfriend ever took pics of our car when he had the springs on them sorry
  2. i'm out of money...i need some rent!! hehe monopoly has always been one of my fave games, but i always suck at it. i either blow all my money and then go broke really fast or try to spend more wisely...slowly buying up stuff, but then when i do go to buy stuff, everyone owns it already.... i need a better strategy for these games
  3. my boyfriend and i did it at cs bank...no strings attached...you actually get the $100 rather quickly i also spent the money shortly after having it in there, then left the account open with only a few dollars in it for months and nothing happened
  4. just bought my street, too....will have to look around at this game to see if it's cool
  5. we have a set off our mazda3, but i'll have to see if it's the same part number i think we'd sell them for $100...they are used, but they were only on our car last summer and only has about 6000 miles on them.... nevermind...different part number....sorry! they are SKM66-AUB00
  6. i am so psyched for bsII! can't wait! what's children of men about?
  7. we have one of those wheels. we built a frame for it to attach to out of pvc and we have a miata seat with speakers in the head rest. totally sweet. not sure if we have a pro wheel, though.
  8. should there be a car meet set up at the flow and all of you guys can go die on the ramps? my boyfriend skates, but he seems to be getting at tad too old for it. he broke his ankle in march and has been dinging himself up a lot lately when he goes out and skates.
  9. its all day....not sure what the hours are, i'll have to ask sean...but you get quite a few runs (at least 6, if not more... i'll ask sean about it) and they are 20 mins each doesn't come with food, but there is a concession stand there
  10. would've gotten one, but our insurance was ridiculous if we got it....so we will just improve on the regular 3 instead....sean is in the middle of doing some stuff to it right now it's scary seeing it torn apart....
  11. they charge $120 for their open track days....i guess it's the cheapest track day around....
  12. exactly what i was going to say i love the white 3's though....i think i need a white one
  13. i am so looking forward to the 24 hours of lemons!
  14. 2 wheel drive we took it to the dealer last night to see what they would find. they say it's the wheel bearings. they quoted us about $250 to fix it, so we decided to just have them do it and return the $200 bearings we got from napa. no busted knuckles and you aren't getting greasy
  15. i'm adding this to my list http://i.ebayimg.com/21/!BVyf)SwCGk~$(KGrHgoOKicEjlLmYvG8BKUTDdHD)g~~_12.JPG http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/1977-Mazda-Repu-Rotary-pickup-original-rare-no-reserve_W0QQitemZ270429241098QQcmdZViewItemQQptZUS_Cars_Trucks?hash=item3ef6d6bf0a&_trksid=p4506.c0.m245&_trkparms=65%3A1|39%3A1
  16. here's a long youtube video montage of google logos
  17. i want this if it ever comes to the states suzuki swift (just like a geo/chevy metro) surprisingly they may sweet rally cars....and to be even more dorky, the suped up swift is super fun to drive in grand turismo (hope the pic isn't huge...sorry if it is) http://i138.photobucket.com/albums/q247/frenchychan/suzuki_swift_sport_004.jpg i also want a volvo xc70, blue toyota fj, a 90's honda civic...i'm sure there are more cars...
  18. if we still can't find the issue, we are going to break down and take it somewhere.....
  19. we just put new wheel bearings on, but my boyfriend went over to napa and the old guy there informed him that we bought the cheap ones and they could be faulty.....sooooo we bought the really good expensive ones ($200!!!).... we haven't had a chance to check them yet, he's currently working on the mazda....hopefully the bearings are the issue and it gets fixed tonight..... if not, we plan on measuring the wear on the brakes, just to make sure they really aren't hanging up. sean (my bf) said that one of the calibers was slightly hanging up, but the wheels still spun freely.... yay cars!
  20. i have a 99 flex fuel ford ranger automatic with 76K we bought it used last year, but i think it sat for a while.... recently we've noticed some type of "grinding"?? noise the best way for me to describe the sound is...like when you are driving on older, rougher pavement and then you suddenly get to nicely new paved road...but the issue is that i never changed pavement types. i also do not think it is tire noise because it isn't constant. my boyfriend got under the truck and made sure nothing was loose and the brakes are not catching. i don't know if it may be a transmission problem. my boyfriend thinks that we are starting to have issues with the transmission....not shifting right, etc it is driving us nuts....we'd like to fix it ourselves do you guys have any ideas on what it could be?
  21. i don't think we had the adjustable camber links on there when we had the springs on....i'm pretty sure we just recently put those on, after we took the springs off....
  22. 2 inches in the front, 1.5 in the rear. Trust me, its low! And yes springs is all you need to install besides tools.
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