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Everything posted by dy85merc

  1. Forgot to mention that I go to National Trails at least 2 times a year, always go to the ford show there. LOL, I just noticed my title...guess I suck. That's pretty funny, I hope I'm doing better now. And I read all the rules, look pretty serious to me. I like it.
  2. Here's a few more pics, I've owned this car for 14 years. But the last few years I have spent more time on it than pretty much anything else I own. I've changed the shifter since this pic, it now has a pistol grips handle http://img33.imageshack.us/img33/2613/capri003.jpg I've since added a bottle heater... http://img705.imageshack.us/img705/238/car2009015.jpg The ole boat anchor 302... http://img33.imageshack.us/img33/3900/capri007.jpg The only dyno sheet I have, I'm fairly proud of it. LOL. http://img709.imageshack.us/img709/482/dyno001.jpg
  3. Thanks, seemed like it took forever to get my account activated. LOL. I thought maybe you guys weren't accepting new members. But I'm in now...Awesome!
  4. Her's a pic of it... http://img709.imageshack.us/img709/8933/norwalk2008032.jpg
  5. Hi, I heard about this site from another forum. They say you guys do some track racing, that's what I'm into. Here's a short vid of my car. I hope you guys approve, it's not the fastest thing going...but I love it. It's an 85 Mercury Capri, 302 with a G-force T-5...and all the usual goodies.
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