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Posts posted by 88lxvert

  1. It is probably allergies my dog is doing it right now..... This is a bad time of year for it and they usually are late onset. what i mean is it will just start all of the sudden they arent usually born with it. lots of times it is started by food changes and food allergies. If you havent changed food it may be the ragweed u can give dogs benadryl but if going to vet ask them if small dog quarter the pill. My dog wieghts 78 pds and takes a whole pill vet said its ok.


    be ready for them to do a food trial wich is expensivebecause the special foods are ridiculas i found nutro is what is best for my dog lamb formula read on net that chicken allergies are most common....

  2. was looking to get an intake some kind of open one anything reasonable its for wifes car. That thing get horrible milage was hoping to make it click of a few more ticks before fill upand have a bit more umff. What u got....
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