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Everything posted by 04silvrz

  1. 04silvrz

    Tonight 7/17

    maybe i go hit the car wash and come out!
  2. better get some sythonal for that american muscle if you think u are getting by this rice patty! lol
  3. i wanted to be on tonight, instead it's movie night with the lady.
  4. i don' tknow, but I want one of those lasers. it's only 200 bucks. that thing is SWEET!
  5. crazy amounts of money on watches.
  6. There are no other airports that u can fly out of here.... Rickenbacker doesn't have commercial flights anymore, otherwise I sure freaking would! But really, there really isn't too much of a issue because it can be refused. It's just a waste of money, and unnecessary. Because the terriost is going to refuse it too if he is carrying something, so how is it helping anything. Waste of tax dollars and peoples time.
  7. you can see body parts though. no color, but but it can see nipples and the shape of breasts, along with the shape of your wiener. basically they need a picture of our cock to get on the plane now. what if you were a tranny.... LOL that would be interesting for the TSA worker. Ma'am we are going to need to do a further search as it appears you have something stowed in your private area... hahah
  8. i think aliens exist. not sure about this vid though.
  9. anyone got a radar detector they wanna let me borrow?? :-)
  10. http://listsoplenty.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2009/12/DeLorean-DMC-12.JPG
  11. i think when we have to have communication with law enforcement IT SHOULD BE RECORDED, so that neither party does anything unlawful. They always record us from their little dash cams in the car, no reason we shouldn't record them from our cars.
  12. damn, that is way late. i was on around 8 or 9. might be on tonight...
  13. this is like 2 min from my house.
  14. no you're good. but, it is for my work. i would have to change to a different job in a shit economy to avoid it. i was just being extreme.
  15. yeah, your right. no need to fight for our rights. just let them take everything, invade your home, shit in your sink. just let them do whatever, i mean. you could just get another house, right? no biggie!
  16. http://epic.org/ seems to think it's unconstitutional. oh, and everyone go sign this letter.... http://www.stopdigitalstripsearches.org/
  17. but you don't have a choice, u must consent to the search or you don't get on a plane. so the government should decide weather or not I get on a publicly ran companies transportation? it's all just a whole big bunch of SUCK!
  18. what probable cause do they have to strip search me and seize my shampoo bottle, and fingernail clippers?
  19. and we have been scared into thinking its ok.
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