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Everything posted by 04silvrz

  1. yeah, i was ambushed the first time I saw one in the Atlanta, GA airport. I just went ahead and proceeded through it cause I didn't know anything about them, but now... FUCK THAT!!
  2. what is doctor? haha. but no, that is needed. these dbags scanning my body when i get on a fucking airplane is not.
  3. why risk it over this though. I will take my the wand and pat down with a smile! Just another waste of tax money!
  4. i don't think i ever want to do 150 on a bike.
  5. tell him your wife / housemate person said no. unless it's just you, and if so. man up. haha
  6. that is some FUCKED up shit. i mean, that guy was in plain clothes. and i am sure the guy on the bike was scared shitless having a gun pulled on him.. i doubt the first thought in this head was...'oh i need to tell this guy he is being taped'. that's so fucked!
  7. I have a Cisco 1200 series AP i could part with that does VLAN if you would be interested. I could let it go for like $70 with the standard antennas, and 90 with a high gain.
  8. http://www.usatoday.com/travel/flights/2010-07-13-1Abodyscans13_ST_N.htm?csp=obnetwork Not sure if this effects many of you, but the recently installed full body 'strip search' machines are BULLSHIT. i am a frequent flyer, so I deal with this weekly. There is NO WAY in hell I am going to have an xray once a week, who knows what that radiation is going to do. They just installed these a couple weeks ago, i have been picked to go through it 2 times already. Which of course I refused and got patted and wanded instead.
  9. yep, that would work. another thing I would be concerned with is what he is downloading. cause they are cracking down with torrent trackers and shit. everything would come back to you if he was downloading movies all day. for me, i wouldn't share with ANYONE outside of a couple close friends.
  10. cool. i had recently KIND OF considered getting a cruiser bike. that's a cool bike! about what I would be looking for!
  11. http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash2/hs062.ash2/36472_1389340491923_1184415665_30925860_7676227_n.jpg
  12. was thinking the same thing! very sick regardless!
  13. i need to pay my 5 bucks for this, where can I meet up with you??? Also, i need some vinyl numbers, nothing fancy. can no one help with that???
  14. it would still give him access to his network, therefor allowing him access to the router. meaning he could gain access to everything through that router with a bit of hacking. sure he couldn't just sniff on the current subnet, but with a little work could gain access. i just wouldn't grant someone access to my network at all. I don't broadcast my SSID at home, and I run WPA.
  15. he would have full access to your network. u could turn on the windows firewall, and turn off sharing. but, he could still sniff packets on your internet usage. i would say no unless i REALLLY knew the person well!
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