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Everything posted by 04silvrz

  1. That dude is one doughnut away from blowing up the whole fucking gas station. what an idiot.
  2. Subaru Impreza WRX 4WD Hyundai Tiburon Mitsubishi Lancer Scion tC Acura RSX Nissan Sentra SE-R Nissan Sentra/Mitsubishi Eclipse All young driver tuner cars
  3. they wrote me for 3 scripts for 180 oxycoedone when i broke my arm, and was trying to give me another one on my last visit. i was like no doc, i am good. i think he just wanted me to get fucked up.. haha
  4. PM sent, would like something a little taller than 35's. but I will look at these.
  5. i know things. actually looking back at teh posts i had you mixed up with someone else. who are you? haha that is teh 2nd person i accused you of being.
  6. and I knew why i was banned.
  7. because you hate me for one and that would not have worked. and i wasn't completly sure the person who did unban me would. i wanted to have the ablity to atl east PM people on here so I could use thier services, ie. car repair, detailing, etc...
  8. eh, i forgot it was you.
  9. i wasn't defending anyone, just offereing a different prespective. you are the one who... http://www.thinkgeek.com/images/products/additional/large/office_space_kit_mat.jpg
  10. i know it wasn't. i admittedly created that so I could PM someone to un-ban me. and they did. but if I wouldn't have told who i told and kept using a webproxy there is no way in hell you could have tied that account to me. i am sure he closed that thread because he saw a different ip access it each time.
  11. 04silvrz

    New here

    nice intro. welcome.
  12. all i am sayin is you are already writing that off to not be true, but what IF that is the truth.
  13. Anything close? I need 2 of them Tires only
  14. what if she lives there and they both want accounts? just sayin.
  15. My 02 RSX insurance was more expensive than my 04 350Z. So stupid.
  16. it won't last. oil is on the rise this morning.
  17. most women can't drive. true story.
  18. is this one of those threads that if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all?
  19. if you are a computer nerd, watch it and enjoy. everyone else, probably a waste of time. i think it's awesome for it's time.
  20. saw one of these on the road yesterday. sharp.
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