they wrote me for 3 scripts for 180 oxycoedone when i broke my arm, and was trying to give me another one on my last visit. i was like no doc, i am good. i think he just wanted me to get fucked up.. haha
i know things.
actually looking back at teh posts i had you mixed up with someone else. who are you? haha that is teh 2nd person i accused you of being.
because you hate me for one and that would not have worked. and i wasn't completly sure the person who did unban me would. i wanted to have the ablity to atl east PM people on here so I could use thier services, ie. car repair, detailing, etc...
i wasn't defending anyone, just offereing a different prespective. you are the one who...
i know it wasn't. i admittedly created that so I could PM someone to un-ban me. and they did.
but if I wouldn't have told who i told and kept using a webproxy there is no way in hell you could have tied that account to me. i am sure he closed that thread because he saw a different ip access it each time.