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Posts posted by paint-princess

  1. lol i do full body work. paint and air brush .... btw thorne is gay why did you help him do that to his car ??? lol and by plastic SURGEON ( lol ) i mean i take the fucked up shit and make it pretty... like an old worn out set of boobs... a plastic surgeon takes'em and makes'em look brand new
  2. -----------------------------




    Five Lessons for new CR female members:


    1. Know your role as a new member (cooking, cleaning, etc)


    2. There will always be the insensitive guys who leghump, say "pics or ban", yadda, yadda


    3. there will always be the sensitive douche-bag that says "don't mind all the insensitive leghumping guys, i am mature, welcome to the site"


    4. DO NOT (i repeat) DO NOT try and be a hardass when people give you shit for being a girl who is into (or semi-into) cars. You need to roll with the punches


    5. DO NOT act as if you are some hardcore car enthusiast... Chances are; You are into cars because your current or ex significant other is into cars.




    Have a nice day... ..............doing laundry





    LMAO!!!!! i give you props for this.. this is funny as hell...


    and for the record.. im into cars because i like cars.. not b.c of my husband or any ex's lol



    and yes i do feel a womans place is in the kitchen and taken care of her man.. thats what women were made for. breading and taken care of shit.

  3. thoes girls in the video don't look bad at all. Not something i would go for but not bad at all. If i were at the bar i would be DTF for sure!


    And all the prego talk, my gf weighed 120 before she got prego, during prego weighed 142ish....now weights 115! Sorry your just being lazy, get up and lose that weight!



    oh and shes had 2 kids. and lost the weight both times.




    im not being lay-z ive lost more then half of the weight...

  4. You can save yourself with a picture of you kissing another female. Like Lazarus, this thread will rise from the dead.


    ummmm i think i might have 1 of me and my ex lmao doubt it though i deleted them all lol

  5. that's all I saw....

















    thanx =] and yea ive been painting and working on cars since i was like 5 lol soon as i knew the diff between a philips and a flat head my dad had me in the shop with him

  6. I think alot of you guys are missing some fun in your life if you are saying that you would not fuck the shit out of that. Would I ever marry that? No. Would I parade that girl around as the love of my life? No. Would I beat it up a couple times and leave it? Yeap!


    If you are disrespecting different dime pieces on a weekly biasis then I need to hang out with you.


    Sure I can get dimes, but there normally a headache and guess what? I still get tired of banging them pretty quickly.


    Call me Tiger Woods I guess.....




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