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Everything posted by Major_golf

  1. dot.. be jealous . bcuase..... my ke board is better. than yours... its still for sale so far i got lint and truffles http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_f4fQVJ1rfSI/Swh-3D0bZ-I/AAAAAAAAAHc/EsE7To5yxX0/s1600/dirtyKeyboard.jpg still in for pics of nice dsm
  2. show me one and you can have it
  3. fucking great can we get a jc first
  4. here is an official apology for every one i have upset today yeah right those people can fuck off except doc he is cool
  5. sorry to up set you doc i understand you are happy with you purchase but this guy needs to stop his hustling before things get real
  6. i know where you can get a 79 gs1000L for a few hundred bucks the carbs will need rebuilt has new paint as well
  7. dear op just to let you know the ecu you sold the other guy was junk
  8. thanks cordell now asking 300
  9. i have the best key board you could ever own it works grate 100% of the time just the period key sticks a little.. any ways iv owned it for two weeks and i want something better it missin a coupe of kees but as you can see you can work around that http://www.instructables.com/image/FLY851VGKS0T7PI/Find-old-keyboard.jpg asking $100
  10. and you are not honest about any thing here is more buy my geckos for 1.HYM2 is a super hypo het temper male $70.00 2.HYM1 is a super hypo het temper male PARADOX spot $100.00 3.NM1 is a high yellow het bell poss het patty male $80.00 4.NM2 is a high yellow het bell poss het patty Male $80.00 5.TM3 is a sunglow male Juvenile $150.00 6.TE1 tangerine enigma $100.00 7.M109 is a super hypo het patty male $70.00 8.AM109 is a tremper pos het raptor male 120.00 ________________________________________ Females 1.SH10F1 is a super hypo het tremper female $70.00 2.SHB310 is a super hypo female $60.00 3.NF1 is a high yellow het bell poss het patty (M109 x bell) female $50.00 4.NF2 is a normal het bell poss het patty (M109 x bell) female $50.00 5.NSF1 is a jungle het temper female $90.00 6.HYF4 is a super hypo het temper female $70.00 7.HYF5 is a super hypo het temper female $70.00 8.HYF7 is a super hypo het temper poss het patty female $75.00 9.HYF12 is a super hypo het temper female $70.00 10.HYF13 a super hypo het temper poss het patty female $75.00 11.HYF15 a super hypo het temper poss het patty female $75.00 12.HYF16 is a patternless stripe het tremper female $90.00 13.SH210 is a jungle het temper female $90.00 then what makes you god damn lizards so fucking special
  11. you forgot some of these .............................................................. he will never understand it
  12. you forgot about the time you call and i quote "said hey i let the gti sit for a couple of day and now it smells funny what could it be" hey dick face it sat in a horse stall for 3 years you also were told that btw its hustling not hussling and you are still a piece of shit........................................................................................
  13. Wanna buy a key board the ........ Button stick a little. 700 wait 800 and its yours
  14. Here I will help say it with me. I. Am. A. Security. guard
  15. Back for more. Brb dear police man this asshole on the internets said he was going to throw a crank on my car I want you to arrest him I'm down for herring about the gti So a pot hole cracks a block blows a trans and clutch and fucks up a ball joint. That's right you stretched the pic Also funny I've talked with 4 people you have sold your junk shit to all of which have a similar opinion that you are a fuck face
  16. Haha Lock it in 20 bux
  17. Why in the hell were these post moved there was no rule violation. That's what but hurts me
  18. Don't know why it was removed but iv still got a car for you if you want
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