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Everything posted by Major_golf

  1. Hey no need to get upset over a ? Maybe you should go see a shrink about this anger you have
  2. Yeah because 13.01 is so far from 12.9 Let's se heveier driver, full of tools heater, radio,speakers and not launching the car in fear of the rear end on the exact set up you ran it Yeah I'll take 1/10 slower I'm tottaly cool with it
  3. There is no hate. If Matt did not give you any thing out of a 2k profit on something you built for him you should probably ask your self how good of a friend he is.
  4. I need counseling ha ha. No I need to deal with less shady people and trust me it's been one hell of a lesson. There comes a point in time that people get fucking tired of bs well guess what it's my time. You lied just as much about that car as he did let me quote you here Me- so all the lights work You- yup wired them my self Me- so the turn signals , brakes and all work You - yup Truth after tracing all the wires come to find out the the switch had now power going to it let alone a flasher assembly So this rear end is good right You&matt - yup but its not ment to hold this power might last a day might last a year 5 min later I place a phone call this rear end is junk Matt - no the exhaust drags 20 min later rear end locked up Do research find out you broke the rear at drag wAy 42 Iv went out of my way to not be upset with you but now that I think about your almost no better than matt
  5. The door molding lines are bothering but it's character
  6. It is the granny's kit, yes I have all 4 meshies , it has a 4 cyl t5 great gearing for the track but not the high way. It's a stock rear
  7. Hey wanna be a man and pay me the hundo from over a year ago
  8. * Name: That guy that eats shit First time eating shit: Feb 2004 the year I ate shit Location: Shit hole Vehicles: Shit mobile Occupation: eating shit Posts: 4,873 Rep: Trader Rating: (11)
  9. You know what's better than not having 500 dollars from you sending it scrap for $400 and telling you how big of a peice of shit you are. In fact I would find it more joy full to sign the title over to any one for $0 then revive $500 from you Ps- if I knew that derik was asking for you I would have told him to fuck off in the first place Pss- your a peice of shit Btw quit being a bitch and give me my c note
  10. Absolutely not. In all serieousness you had the option to buy it over the weekend for 850 that in its self was pure insult to me and now even less I'd give it to Scott for 200 before selling it to you for a dime less than than agreed apon last week. I payed you 4k for this car with a broke rear end( btw you still owe me a c note for the tow bill). Was told every thing worked yada yada bs. Patterson and I spent the first month working all the shit out of it And another 1k later got it on the road. And you want it back for $500. ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME In second thought I'll sell you something for 500 You wanna scoop out the toilet your self or would you like it in a zip lock
  11. $200 I can scrap it for double that ! Come on Scott I'm hard up right now but not that hard
  12. Well maybe there was a nice dog bed in the corner and the light were dimmed just enough to set the mood. There may or may not have been a milk bone around idk
  13. Future reffeeance for all im not accepting sexual favors as payment sorry phill
  14. Thanks phil I hate to let them go but I have no choice
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