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Posts posted by abarber11

  1. Really? A fucking noob like you is stepping out of his lane making such outrageous claims. Better get back in your place before you drop to the same level as Cody. Your wit is nonexistent, get out of my kitchen.


    as requested ill go back to lurking, it was real and fun but was it real fun?:gabe:

  2. Who the fuck are you? Gtfo


    edit: you are a guy who joined before me. thats who.


    you are the most hated member on cr. congrats lets me know when you get a car thats worth a shit tool bag.

  3. Np. I have a soft spot for DSM's. GVR4 former owner.


    You came in out of nowhere seemingly. It was awesome.


    I have been am member for a while and I have been a lurker for almost a year and this site is something I enjoy so why not say something right?

  4. I haved them save at the top of the page.


    You are dark.


    Abarber... 2 words. Crank walk.


    with a 6 bolt good one.....once again epic fail

  5. I'm not the one bickering about a meet. Saying ricer this ricer that, ALL I wanted was for you guys to maybe show up to the meet and be cool about things. But no, you guys had to bash on it for NO apparent reason, that's why I'm like fuck you, it's just stupid how you guys act. I have a right to defend myself from immature adults when I want, it's just straight up stupid how you guys are. I don't care that all you guys bash on everyone and that's how you are with each other but to me it wasn't necessary and it was stupid. I'll make sure and spread the word though about this site.

    :( you will be alright champ! dude its the internet who gives a flying fuck!

  6. Just trying to do ONE thing, have a simple car meet and you guys have to act like a bunch of immature 10 year olds. No wonder this site has gone so far down hill, blame yourselves.


    sorry man I know I am a newbie but what did you expect tho happen have tough skin pussy

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