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Everything posted by turboion

  1. i will be out look forward to meeting everyone eating geat food seeing nice cars
  2. new hang out Average Joe's 6pm
  3. Trying to start up a hang out at Average Joe's on sancus and lazelle Pool and Beer and a great time hope for a good out come be cool to see the cars and people let me know who is down at 6pm
  4. Ok lets make it crown on Sancus and Lazelle pool and beer
  5. New car on the block want to show everyone i have a bad ass ion hang out and look at some hooters:D and eat some wings let me know if you can make it there Hooters on Sancus and Lazelle hope to see everyone there
  6. were on polarios i might be there show off my car
  7. i had a toshiba that did the same thing it was the hard drive wet out don't buy toshiba ever they suck need any more help e mail me or call 614-207-1093 Jason
  8. i should be out look forward to meeting everyone just hope no one gets made if a ion out runs them lol.http://www.facebook.com/home.php?#%21/photo.php?pid=30998068&fbid=1415162301834&id=1315871358
  9. dose anyone own a ion or cobalt and what kind of mods do you h
  10. 2006 Saturn ion 2.4 LE5 stuck 16.3 exhaust spark plugs and air intake 15.1 then a turbo charged with 11 psi 12.64@108 http://www.facebook.com/#%21/photo.php?pid=30998067&fbid=1415162061828&id=1315871358
  11. i was just at the race track i talked to a guy who says the are really fast seen his friends in the 9's from the show room i don't know all about them good luck
  12. turboion


    cant reply to any post but my own dose anyone know why?
  13. http://www.facebook.com/#%21/photo.php?pid=30998067&fbid=1415162061828&id=1315871358 hope the time slip shows my best 60ft is 1.9 with a sliping trans have a race trans with a 3000 stall now http://www.facebook.com/#!/photo.php?pid=30998067&fbid=1415162061828&id=1315871358
  14. http://www.facebook.com/#%21/photo.php?pid=30998067&fbid=1415162061828&id=1315871358
  15. http://www.facebook.com/#%21/photo.php?pid=30998069&fbid=1415163101854&id=1315871358http://www.facebook.com/#%21/photo.php?pid=30998068&fbid=1415162301834&id=1315871358http://www.facebook.com/#%21/photo.php?pid=30998067&fbid=1415162061828&id=1315871358 Hi everyone i am new to this site my name is Jason i am 26 i have a 2006 ion with a 2.4 turbo charged runs 12 in the 1/4 i just put a race trans in it with a 3000 stall. I have lived in Ohio all my life been in to cars since i was 13 raced since i been 18. i joined this site to go to meets and see some cool cars get to know more people. look forward to meeting everyone. http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash2/hs328.ash2/60798_1415162301834_1315871358_30998068_5826312_n.jpg http://www.facebook.com/#!/photo.php?pid=30998067&fbid=1415162061828&id=1315871358[img/] http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash2/hs341.ash2/62101_1415163101854_1315871358_30998069_420390_n.jpg
  16. Hi all i am a 26 from Delaware my name is Jason. I am joining columbusracing to go to events get to know new people make new friends.
  17. hi everyone i am new to this site i have a 2006 saturn ion turbo charged best time 12.64@108 lookin to get to know new people go to the events and get my hands dirty
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