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Posts posted by acklac7

  1. There is one song I've wanted to add they didn't have it the library.


    There's a number of Songs Spotify doesn't have that they should. Then again I listen to alot of Underground shit (Mostly Rap) that got lost in the 90's. They have alot of Tracks, alot. But they don't have everything by a long stretch.


    Going to contact them and see if they will upload certain Albums / Tracks per Request. Im guessing they will.

  2. So, is everyone cool with this?




    Tried to find an article on Fox News about it, so that I would be giving it as conservative a spin as possible, but there didn't seem to be one. Thoughts, my conservative homies?



    I was going to start a thread about the "Alt Right" but figured it would be brought up here.


    I guess the "Alt Right" is a bunch of lulzy half-serious fucking 4channers and shit. I'd fit right in :gabe:


    I bet that guy isn't as bad as the Media is portraying him / Breitbart News. Serious, people that say inflammatory/lulzy shit on the interwebs can be serious (in real life).

  3. Google Music is 320kpbs audio is the same is spotify, but I have to admit that Spotify sounds a lot better for some odd reason.


    Spotify either pre-amps every track or puts them through some sort of remastering filter. The difference is night-and-day.

  4. They ended up buying a Place on Grosse Ile Island. Sounds bad-ass. (I'm a big outdoorsman). Not looking forward to paying $3 to get on/off the Island when I go to visit though.


    All-in-all Detroit sounds pretty sweet so far. Tons of cool cars.

  5. So say he wins...




    Is he still going to say it was "Rigged"?



    The answer to that question is "Yes". Liking this guy more and more by the minute.


    Good watch: http://www.cbsnews.com/videos/60-minutes-interview-president-elect-donald-trump/


    Conversely, despising Liberals more and more by the hour, fucking hypocrites to the Max. None of you went and rioted when Obama got Elected (Although I think Kirk was just about there :gabe: )

  6. Humor me...


    Buy Youtube Red above all else. Here is Why...


    Youtube Red gives you the following-

    1. Advertisement free Youtube

    2. Downloading of ANY Youtube Video

    3. Advertisement free Youtube "Music" (App for iOS and Android)

    4. Background playback on iOS and Android

    5. Access to (Very shitty and unwatchable) Youtube exclusive videos.

    6. Free Google Music subscription with free downloads of all their music.


    Honestly, If you are an Android user this is a no brainer for $9.99 a month. I decided to tack on an extra $1.99 a month for 100GB of google drive space. I dump all my music in the cloud and listen ad-free. =)


    Sound quality on YouTube can be horrid, depending on the uploader. Same thing with Youtube Music. Most every track on Spotify is A+.


    Some of the remix's can't be found on Spotify. I'll deal with it.


    Need to look into free Google music, though.

  7. Anyone hear about the Isaiah Pead accident here in Columbus last night. RB for dolphins and Rams, former rb at cincy. Well my student was his trauma nurse last night at Grant. She told me how gruesome it was. Dude had his right leg completely ripped off from knee down, both femurs destroyed and tib and fib in left leg snapped. He was ejected from the car. L4,5 fractured. Not sure how much Info the news let out yet. He was drunk and lost control.



  8. I did Colorado for a long weekend two weeks ago. Yes the rec. shops were cool. Selection was awesome However $20 a gram WTF lol?


    It is a nice novelty.


    Also anywhere in Ohio it is only a $60ish fine for decades for personal.


    The decades-old law has been for a Cutie-Pie (quarter lb, aka 113 grams) or less. And it was still a First-degree Misdemeanor (if im not mistaken)


    And Optional, a fine was optional.


    In Newark it is optional no longer.


    I'd gladly pay $20/Gram such that we could see something other then heavy Indi's (which I refuse to smoke).

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