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Everything posted by mjrsplat

  1. fair enough. sounds like the time they put bush in office.
  2. lol. glad you love to take shit out of context jones. how did you ever become a mod?
  3. I'm not mad, although I appreciate the concern sir.
  4. not scared, i just know what clutches rear ends and tires cost.
  5. if you dont wanna roll race thats on u bud. scared youll get beat? i thought you wanted to lock one in..
  6. nope, its just more stress on my clutch and rear end. not to mention, i have a 4:30 rear end, first gear is useless to me. Yes?
  7. back tracking? no. I would be more than happy to go for it if we can negotiate a fair race. My car is heavy as fuck and a tire fryer, so a roll race would be fair. if that can be negotiated, then consider it locked in.
  8. yes i have been crying hysterically ever since i read these responses and fubar231 is coming over to keep all the sharp objects, chemicals, and ropes away from me till i calm down. as for that 20 we can work something out. :bangbang:
  9. I'm going to break this response into 4 parts. 1. I never once got upset about anything said on this forum, but I'm not one to sit there and shut up when people have shit to say about me. I can throw insults just as good as the next guy. If that makes me an easy target, so be it. 2. Talking trash? No sir thats where you are wrong. People talk trash to me, I step up to the plate, then I hear excuses.. I havent backed down, if anyone wants some they can come get it. Its not like i havent been out in the supra, plenty of people on here have seen it go. fubar and flybye have driven it. 3.As far as "insulting the mods" excuse me for stating this, but it seems like some of the mods dont act like moderators. Are you going to disagree with me on that point? I'd also like to state if they cant handle a simple comment from a noob like myself I feel bad for them. All that being said, I feel that with 4 pages of responses and only 1 person willing to edit a photo, this thread has ran its course, feel free to lock it up. The color of the car will be the same, just shinier. I'm glad to see someone understands my subtle tastes. Oh, youre one of those. toyota wheels belong on toyotas, nissan wheels belong on nissans. rumor has it there is a super low golf around here that has jeep wheels on it. OH NO! I personally dont see the problem with mixing brands around. The fact is, sawblades look like shit even if theyre painted. Its like painting the hubcaps on a cavalier, it looks like crap IMO. As far as the volks, they needed refinished. They were pitted, one was bent, and they were completely the wrong offset for the car, not to mention they were ugly, so that's why they are gone. As far as the body work is concerned, I know how to do body work and paint, I wouldn't have undertaken this car as a project if I didn't have the knowledge or the tools to fix it. The only issue doing the body work now, is I dont have the luxury of a huge heated shop to work in, only a nice cold garage. As far as prep work goes, it's best done at temperatures above 60°F. In summary, Its my car, and I know what my plans and goals are for the car. These rims are the rims I wanted to put on the car, and I found them at a deal i couldnt pass up. So you're saying i should have told the seller to wait to sell them to me so i could wait for the weather to be warmer and start on body work? It doesn't work that way. The purchase made sense to me, but i guess it all comes back to the fact you cant see crossing brands on vehicles as justifiable. when you go out and buy dc shoes does that mean you buy pants, socks, underwear, shirts, a hoodie, and a hat to match? or do you think maybe you can look good in a different brand of jeans? just wondering. Shane as I stated before, haters are everywhere. I'm not bothered by it, afterall, this is the internet, people are on here to gain the courage to say shit they can only say behind a keyboard. I troll on the internet too, I can't stay mad at them. I appreciate the compliments, but they will probably troll on you now for driving, riding in, or even generally being around my supra. /thread
  10. http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_DFbecxEGKQ0/TUifckXFnEI/AAAAAAAAACU/cQS3nCI1HhU/s1600/drag_queen_makeup.jpg ^^ this one does.
  11. and why is that? is it the flat black paint or one of the 3 surface rust bubbles on the whole car? i just need to know, because when i drop it off at the crusher i want to point out why my car is such an unworthy piece of shit. seriously, admit it. you just wanna talk shit cuz i called out your boyfriend on here. go fuck yourself, you're a dick, your friend is a dick, and your other friend is a molester.
  12. IN for the triple post. 3 pages and only 1 response that was actually helpful. if a responsible mod exists on this site, feel free to lock this, this thread is worthless..
  13. fuck these guys. all a bunch of internet hardasses. if it is such a shitty car, they will tell me to my face. realistically though, anyone who approaches me in person (on any forum i have been on) usually the first thing out of their mouth is "hey i hope youre not mad about that shit i said on the internet, it's just the internet" the internet is like alcohol. it gives false confidence to computer nerds, meat heads, and pussies alike. i dont sweat the shit people say on here. fuck em.
  14. I'd like to know how "my attitude" lead to your assumption that my car is "finished" in fact I have stated many times it is a project car, meaning I plan on putting time and effort into building something I am proud of. If you're implying that because I dont have thousands of dollars to pay a shop to build my car for me I am incompetant or ignorant it seems you are just pointing out the flaws in your mental capacity. It takes more brain power to wrench on a car than to open your wallet and pay someone to do it, even my son knows that. You sir not only are a moron, but your condecending attitude shows you have security issues. I feel bad for you.
  15. I never said I painted my car flat black. I got the car as a project already painted this way. the car will be going back to gloss black after i fix some minor body work. +1 for you for assuming shit +1 more for you for not knowing what a project car is. :gtfo:
  16. thanks i appreciate your honest opinion. not trying to drop that much on rims at the moment. eat a bag of dicks. :gtfo: go fuck yourself. :asshole:
  17. yes they are 4th gen wheels on that supra. they were 3 piece but they were beat and pitted and one was bent, i didnt feel like putting all kinds of cash into getting the stance i wanted on rims i wasnt super fond of in the first place. thanks for the compliments, and sorry im not a photographer. is it possible you are trying to present an opinion as a fact? they are nissan wheels. 350z rims.
  18. sounds good. you burn mine, i'll burn yours. we can see who gets more upset by their car being on fire.
  19. factory wheels are the sawblades. ugly as fuck. http://www.pdfun.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/02/1990-toyota-supra.jpg the rims i had on it were volk superfine mesh 16x7 they were in pretty rough shape and looked like overall shit on the car, they are gone now. http://i209.photobucket.com/albums/bb244/98xploder/100_4421.jpg http://i209.photobucket.com/albums/bb244/98xploder/IMG00542-20101109-1301.jpg?t=1299186410
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