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Everything posted by mjrsplat

  1. mjrsplat

    Call out...

    So ur fatass is mad about the white castle thread? You should get out more..
  2. http://www.pressdemocrat.com/article/20110920/WIRE/110929951?Title=Hot-with-a-chance-of-falling-satellite Surprised this hasn't been posted
  3. Fucking terrorists. Waffle house is better anyway.
  4. mice have feelings too scott.
  5. I'm not a fan of wendy's anyway.
  6. :lolguy: Great, now there's kool aid on the iPad..
  7. Ohhh I see where you're going with this. Picking on cookies was a mediocre choice at best. You forgot *triscuits *frosted mini wheats *rice cakes *plain oatmeal *grits I agree soy milk can fuck itself, my 1 month old daughter is on isomil (soy formula) and my god can she stink up a room.
  8. mjrsplat

    Best b team???

    You'll also have more money init than my car and still be slower. :gabe:
  9. I'm not a fan of them, just curious as to why they piss you off. It seems easy enough to stay away from food you don't care for, I hate asparagus for example, so I stay away from it. It has never pissed me off. You on the other hand have negative feelings toward a food. Did you catch a fig newton in bed with your lady? Did it cut you off in traffic? Did it get that promotion you wanted? EDIT: since you asked, here is a little info about figs. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Common_fig
  10. mjrsplat

    Best b team???

    It won't. Shoulda traded for that other car.
  11. Care to elaborate? That's a new one.
  12. Do my chin lubes qualify me for this league? Nothing but wood and boulders downstairs.
  13. http://i1238.photobucket.com/albums/ff499/boomberryzkoubou/Berryz%20PVs%20GIFs/Yuke%20Yuke%20Monkey%20Dance/Chinami1.gif
  14. mjrsplat

    Best b team???

    So you're going to shut it down before the race starts, or does it take you more than 4 car lengths to get to 20?
  15. Not quite, I'd rather be carless than hungry.
  16. I may come out, honestly I was debating it then my car getting fucked up kind of took the wind out of my sails.. Which brings me to the next thing that pisses me off. Little pussies that don't follow man laws. You don't fuck with a man's ride, his food, or his girl.
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