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Everything posted by mjrsplat

  1. mjrsplat

    Best b team???

    my kids yes. I don't give a shit about anyone else's back talking poop machines.
  2. mjrsplat

    Best b team???

    My bad. I was snoozing. I'm going to go drink my ensure and take my 1 a day mens health, BRB
  3. mjrsplat

    Best b team???

    I'll break this down into a two part response. 1. When I come out to home depot, I'm there to socialize. I don't go out and do stupid shit every weekend like some of the other people up there. When I'm out my kids are at home, safe in bed, with a babysitter, so don't even try to make implications as to what type of parent I am, as there's plenty of other parents that do the same shit. 2. Maybe if I was as unhappy in my life as you are, I wouldn't go out. Maybe I'd just do what you do, sit around and get wasted and try to forget my life sucks. Maybe I'd pick on young parents on a local racing forum to try to feel better about my reckless pathetic lifestyle. I feel fortunate I'm not in your current state, I love my kids, I love my life, so I guess you could say you're right. I'm pretty much the man.
  4. Triple because I'm fucking tired today.
  5. I don't have the pictures, they were deleted after being forwarded to his girlfriend. He has nothing to brag about though, that's for sure.
  6. 1. agree 2. agree 3. the guy's a pussy its no secret. 4. Reported, Next step is coming 5. She didn't hide anything from me, I knew what the kid was doing, I would have confronted him, but when the situation arose, Nikki took care of it right away.
  7. you pretty much hit the nail on the head. the fender/hood damage is from the neighbor's mailbox.
  8. mjrsplat

    Best b team???

    I think you should eat a bag of vandalized dicks. Or maybe keep talking about racing, but instead decide to hide at home/drink your life away. Yeah Gabe, I envy you. You're pretty much the man.
  9. mjrsplat

    Best b team???

    I have to source a rear bumper, mine is now falling off.
  10. I'm not a big drinker. when I do drink, I sure as hell don't drive.
  11. Some guy tried to get with my girl, started harassing her sending her nude pics and shit, she sent all the stuff straight to his girlfriend of 6 years, who then broke it off with him after finding out he hasn't been faithful all along.. Cliffs: shit blew up in his face, he wanted to put the blame on me.
  12. sorry, it was cold out I was shivering taking pictures. I'll post better pics later.
  13. I parked my car on the street, A guy came up and pushed my car with his truck easily 50 feet and intentionally ran it up over the curb, my guess is he was hoping to hit the rock. luckily I park out of gear with the ebrake up, so the trans didn't grenade. I'm suprised it didn't bust my intercooler or fuck up my oil pan honestly.
  14. Hit and run. Cops ruled it intentional, interviewed witnesses in the area, I've got a pretty good idea who did it. :fuuuu: http://i209.photobucket.com/albums/bb244/98xploder/img0709.jpg http://i209.photobucket.com/albums/bb244/98xploder/img0431.jpg http://i209.photobucket.com/albums/bb244/98xploder/img0158.jpg http://i209.photobucket.com/albums/bb244/98xploder/img0544.jpg That pretty much sums it up, less than 3 hours of sleep to top it off, looks like I'm not doin shit today.
  15. trade for a 99 gst? Mine runs fine.
  16. OR you could trade Cordell for his miata.
  17. Quoted for troof. http://i209.photobucket.com/albums/bb244/98xploder/lulz/e6ffa702.jpg :gabe:
  18. Quoted for troof. Oompa loompa is a dick. :masturboy:
  19. everyone who drives a 350z turns out to be a huge faggot.
  20. just tell ur kid to write penis and call it a day.
  21. the track is a digital background, it was really on the street.
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