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Everything posted by mjrsplat

  1. 7bolt is SRS BZNS. Ask Phil and Chris.
  2. The good news is after reading this friend, tractor should have a few more friends on this site.
  3. mjrsplat

    Best b team???

    My daily beat your daily. curb mod made my shit faster :gabe:
  4. put a jack under it to relieve pressure.
  5. it's not as quick as the supra was, it's also not as beat. yeah LOL it only takes a 7 bolt fwd to drag you around. :fuckyeah:
  6. LOL you gave me a car and a half? that's not how I saw it. How'd you like the replay of my taillights last night? :masturboy:
  7. funny guy. fwd dsm's do not dig race.
  8. mjrsplat


    LOL aem air intake.
  9. ask phil and chris how they feel about my car. :lolguy: p.s. its barcelona red asshole. [/troll]
  10. rear struts suck. Monoleaf car?
  11. But you may have been even better off if you lived with her before getting married. YOULL NEVER KNOW NOW.
  12. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ovTdRq2_vxA
  13. oh I gotcha, cool stuff. Your car looks sick in person.
  14. I think I saw your z on sandusky the other day. Is it the same color as the model in your sig? sitting on rims?
  15. I bet he felt like a big 2 armed pussy.
  16. mjrsplat


    You should try drugs instead. I hear heroin will cure a stomach ache pretty quick.
  17. I don't hate him, but I'm far from swinging on his nuts. I AM the in between. :fuckyeah:
  18. mjrsplat


    :lolguy: CALL A TOW TRUCK!
  19. mjrsplat


    I didn't even see a cop. and what's wrong with going from a 60 roll on a freeway? we were letting out at 65.
  20. I like your counselor. He sounds like he knows his shit.
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