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Everything posted by mjrsplat

  1. BTW if you want to get in depth what happened the weekend before last? I tried 3 times to get you to run, only to find you sneaking off to go talk to someone else. finally we made arrangements, and you didn't run, in fact you started to pull one time then shut it down supposedly due to how your car used to have an safc and the wiring is janky blah blah blah.
  2. excuses are like assholes. you lost to the poopra, which should be the slowest car on cr. you ran a 13.4 in the vids you posted, give yourself a high five. From a dig, I missed a shift, you had me by 10 cars off the bat. I reeled you in to 2 cars and you shut it down. from a roll, you got fogged. sorry you got beat by a 2 ton vehicle with a blown turbo, but its a little late to make excuses. As for boost, I was a few psi over stock boost for a jz motor, Ask phil, he saw me turn down the mbc before you showed up.. At any rate, as far as all this dick measuring saying your car is faster than mine, GOOD. your setup vs mine, lets be real here. your car should be A LOT faster than mine.
  3. I could use one to tune my car with.. Hit me up if you have one available.
  4. I bet that thing turns left in a hurry.
  5. I'm down to watch frogger get eaten.
  6. Can I get a name change? I like frogger fogger. :masturboy:
  7. flip flops? :dumb: I'll have my big boy shoes on so I don't miss any shifts. :fuckyeah:
  8. Ahh good guys. Anyone have plans to sit up on 161 and watch all the cruising and burnouts when they are in town? I'll be there.
  9. :masturboy: just shitting in this thread, dont mind me. :gabe:
  10. mjrsplat


    I was lying. the bitch kept breaking up under boost. :fuuuu: It ran good all day, but when its time to go home, it couldnt get out of its own way. :no: recap. me-->:fuuuu::no: my car-->:gabe::fuckyeah:
  11. mjrsplat


    Do it. You may require a ride in the supra, it may pull a tad harder now.
  12. mjrsplat


    funny guy eh? I saw your car last night, but there was a constant swarm I didnt want to fight the crowd to introduce myself. Nice car though. :megusta:
  13. mjrsplat


    im down for some more sawmill fuckery. i may drag my brother out as well..
  14. mjrsplat

    Racing video

    :lolguy: I got my big boy shoes on tonight. :gabe:
  15. dont be ghey. you can pile in the fog machine and be my co driver/camera crew..
  16. I'll be rolling out in the fog machine, weather permitting. Pretty sure Kermit is coming out in the turtle car as well.. PAGING PHIL. you comin out?
  17. mjrsplat

    Racing video

    I wanna see the one with ricer flybys
  18. 2nd video was good, the other 2 were too damn shaky with the camera.
  19. mjrsplat

    Racing video

    wasn't me brochacho, I heard that supra had 240sx wheels, not 350z wheels. I wouldn't have missed 2nd or raced in flip flops either. :fa:
  20. mjrsplat

    Racing video

    I was going to say he has a huge e dick, but it's not his car, so not his e dick. E DICK GRABBER? :gabe:
  21. mjrsplat

    Racing video

    against the bimmer or your car that's still not done.:dumb:
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