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Everything posted by mjrsplat

  1. http://i209.photobucket.com/albums/bb244/98xploder/lulz/2.jpg
  2. on an unrelated note: http://i209.photobucket.com/albums/bb244/98xploder/lulz/2.jpg
  3. Pale because I'm a ginger, slender because I'm not a fat slob that eats his feelings and wishes his life was different. I'm happy in my life, you on the other hand are not. You should fix that, then we can chat.
  4. Quad post ya fat sack of shit get movin on that survey.
  5. James is a Fag name. :dumb: It was a nice attempt at guessing my middle name. Although it's nothing out of the ordinary for you, you fail.
  6. Let's just hope for your sake you're not telling the truth. That would fall into the territory of false reports and slander, and would not look good on your "squeaky clean" record.
  7. seems like a whole lot of false accusations and desperation to me. :dumb: care to talk about your love life? I hear its an amazing story full of twists and turns that leaves you butthurt and moody. let's take a survey.. be honest here James, we have the answer sheet. 1. Do you have a girlfriend? [ ]yes [ ]no 2. Have you ever had a girlfriend? [ ]yes [ ]no If you answered yes to number two, proceed with the survey. If not, you've already proven yourself a complete failure 3. Have you ever convinced a female to willingly have sex with you on a regular basis? [ ]yes (jump to question 4) [ ]no 4. Mark the correct answer: How would you say your performance was? A. [ ]She kept coming back for more, got her knocked up then she took off B. [ ]She laughed when you said "k im done. the pizza should be here soon" C. [ ]She gave you an uncurable std D. [ ]She was just trying to get pregnant and didn't care who the potential father was E. [ ]We had an amazing relationship until she saw the real me and left 5. Since you probably lied on question #4, Do you have any children? [if yes go to 5a if no go to question 6. 5a. Mark the correct answer. Do you have a relationship with your child? [ ]yes (skip to question 7) [ ]no (go to 5b) 5b. Who's fault do you think that is? [ ]yours [ ]hers 6. You seem to be hiding some facts. why is that? [ ] too personal for cr, splatty wins [ ] touchy subject you'd rather avoid - splatty wins 7. Why are you so butthurt? [ ] jealousy [ ] envy [ ]self loathing [ ] secret man crush on splatty 8. Since ownership, how much would you say you've spent on the " broke ass gsx"? check all that apply. [ ]$.01 - $5,000 [ ]$5,000 - 10,000 [ ]$10,000 - $15,000 [ ]$15,000 - $20,000 [ ]over $20,000 [ ]too fucking much [ ]billions 9. Do you consider yourself to be successful? [ ]Yes, working at geek squad and having a uber expensive computer is all that matters in life. [ ]No, I wish my personal life wasn't so flawed. 10. Do you really think you have any room to try and insult me? :dumb: [ ]Yes, because lying on this survey to hide one's true self is WINNING bruh. [ ]No, sorry it wont happen again.
  8. Source: "My new bike" page 6 post 127
  9. a cry of desperation. :dumb: Face it kid, you're beat. No need to pull out the big guns.
  10. http://www.maxintosh.org/storage/Okay2.png?__SQUARESPACE_CACHEVERSION=1292362858520
  11. finally someone who understands me. :masturboy: @brkassgsx Like i said before, there's no need to involve my child in your fuckery. seems like a desperate attempt to win an e battle. That's like winning the special olympics by kicking the winner in his nuts and taking his medal. It's not really winning, It's failing. sorry you don't see it. Maybe one day if you get some action and one of your 4 sperm makes it to an egg you'll know what I'm talking about. Until then you're just an ignorant fuck that can't play by simple rules of manhood.
  12. whats your beef hot rod? :dumb:
  13. cliffs. you're mad that you're a fat lonely piece of shit that cant get a chick or a running car. sorry that I'm not addicted to wendy's french fries, my car runs (probably cost a hell of a lot less than your heap of shit) and that i have a loving caring family, which is something else you cant seem to aquire. If your shortcomings in life bother you enough to feel the need to pick on 19 month old babies, you have problems. seek help. not trying to be a dick or insult you, but with your attitude you dont deserve to be working in a place that has children in your general vicinity. you sir have earned my respect. you sir have had my respect. you know how to push buttons without getting personal, a lot can be learned from your style.
  14. This. Thank you brian. As for the rest of you degenerate fucks that think picking on innocent toddlers is ok, Get help. It's fucked up, I'm sure your therapists tell you that weekly.
  15. Phil you fail again. I had already disclosed any information in the facebook messages, its not like its a secret. James, you're still just mad because you're a fat lonely piece of shit with no car, no girl, and a "sooper ooper expensive computer" (probably strictly for porn given that macs "dont get viruses", also considering your current social status.) As for FSS I have zero issues with him as of now. If anyone can come up with a decent E-battle that involves ME not my SON or GIRL then please, feel free to initiate one. so far all I see is a bunch of lowlife fucks that can't formulate a valid argument against me.
  16. really james youre going to bring my son into your battles? you're just as worthless and pathetic as i thought. stop e stalking people get off your fat ass find a girl thats desperate enough to fuck you then worry about your kids. leave mine alone.
  17. She's 5'4" Phil would need a step stool.
  18. He saw us at the car meet if that's what you're talking about..
  19. I vote codyh winner of this thread
  20. This. Nothing exciting, she said I'm on cr too much and that Phil is a doosh.
  21. Let's be real Paul. Where's your pic?
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