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Everything posted by mjrsplat

  1. check original post. :gabe:
  2. I skimmed thru a post where there was a vid.. I was impressed. Fuck the haters, you don't need to drop 15k or more to have a quick car.:megusta:
  3. Best advice in this thread. Now I'm gonna sit back and wait for photoshops of Teddy bears and dick wheels. Lol.
  4. mjrsplat

    Dear Cr

    Someone who gets it. You should post more sir, your words are wise.
  5. mjrsplat

    Dear Cr

    A win is a win.. At least he stepped up and raced me, I applaud him for that.. Btw I was running rich as fuck on 12 lbs rolling off the throttle due to breaking up under full throttle.. you're next buddeh. :gabe:
  6. mjrsplat

    Dear Cr

    I hear my fog machine beat a certain eclipse. Just what I heard
  7. mjrsplat

    Dear Cr

    draw? I wouldn't call it that. There won't be a round 3 until Phil makes up more bullshit for me to discredit. Frankly, I'm tired, the battery on the iPad is dying, and I'm going out shopping for more summer clothes for the kids. In the supra that gets 15mpg. Why? Because I can. Good day gentlemen.
  8. mjrsplat

    Dear Cr

    I'm not butthurt, I just think it's funny how Phil escalates shit over a call out. It went from a simple race call out to backpedaling, talking shit about my family, spreading lies, and threats. Fuck him. I'm not scared of him. Not saying I'm going out Saturday to start shit but I'm not going to hide in my house because the gay lovechild of Montell Williams and Cuba Gooding Jr told me not to come out. Fuck that, I will live my life regardless. :dumb:
  9. mjrsplat

    Dear Cr

    Is that a threat? Cya Saturday. I wouldn't recommend trying to come at me with any bullshit, I'm not out to have drama, and I don't tolerate it.
  10. mjrsplat

    Dear Cr

    It was a photoshopped picture of a baby with 3crying mouths.. It wasn't "a baby with no eyes.. But yeah I'm the dumbass. You can't even comprehend simple pictures. Fucking retard.
  11. mjrsplat

    Dear Cr

    Now that we see how much you value your kids.. What stopped you from letting that cat smother your daughter? Don't say protective instinct, you obviously don't have it.. You shouldn't be a dad.
  12. mjrsplat

    Dear Cr

    Careful now. Phil may get offended and start talking about your children.
  13. mjrsplat

    Dear Cr

    Common sense. Any self respecting father isn't gonna let a punk bitch like Phil talk shit about family. ANYONE worthy of having children knows this.. Sorry the rest of you wouldn't understand.
  14. mjrsplat

    Dear Cr

    Facts? Let's talk about facts. Steve doesn't have any pics of my chick, he's fat and lonely and wishes he does. As for you calling me a faggot in person, of course I laughed, right after you said "please don't take offense I say that to all the trolls. As for anything else you said, I didn't read that far. I don't care. Anything you said can clearly be disregarded immediately as you don't know your head from your ass, and you clearly don't know how to tell the truth to anyone ever. That being said, I'm tired of picking out the obvious flaws in every statement you have made, and I'm getting bored pointing out all of your character flaws here. Fact is you need a pedobear suit, you need to quit lying about everything, it doesn't make you friends, and also, you should quit being 'that guy. You know, the guy who gets ultra personal and spreads bs rumors about people because he got called out on a race and backed down. In conclusion Phil, I don't care how 'ballin' you and your "chick" are, it doesn't make me a drug addict or a bad person. Someone who gets all worked up gets personal and spreads lies over nothing, and talks shit about people's children will always be a sorry piece of shit in my book.
  15. mjrsplat

    Dear Cr

    I' ll take that crown now. Anything he says is subject to being lies and bullshit anyway.:dumb::fa:
  16. mjrsplat

    Dear Cr

    Ok let's make this crystal clear Phil. First, im glad you caught the irony in my post, i did that to see if you could think above a 6th grade level, which was questionable until i saw you found the white text. Second. Your chick, looks like a dude. I wouldn't arm wrestle her and I'm sure you wouldn't either. Third. Fss is a liar, he is the one trying to get my chick matter of fact in the past he has been forceful with her, get your facts straight. Also, the character flaws I was referring to are strictly yours. You couldn't look more like a pedophile if you were in a pedobear suit. I have heard plenty about your past and that's why people stray away from YOU. as for this "E beat down" everyone claims you have delivered here, it would be better if it was based on factual statements. btw did those charges get dropped or do you have to carry the card in your wallet?
  17. troof. should be pretty good.
  18. mjrsplat

    Dear Cr

    well i'm not about to sit here and tell you what i think of your "wife" or your family over a stupid race you're scared to run. I'm also not about to try and bring out your character flaws that lead people to dislike and stray away from you. I'll just say this. I guess we know why you're not allowed to say faggot in front of your "wife". so tell us, what are the consequences you speak of, what's got you so scared to say it? Oh, btw who does your nails? your "wife" has an adam's apple. busted. Faggot.
  19. Oh good maybe now we can achieve world peace. or nothing will change.
  20. Told ya not to stay out past your bedtime..:dumb:
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