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Everything posted by mjrsplat

  1. http://i209.photobucket.com/albums/bb244/98xploder/truck3.jpg http://i209.photobucket.com/albums/bb244/98xploder/truck2.jpg http://i209.photobucket.com/albums/bb244/98xploder/truck1.jpg It's an International MXT. This is the first one I have seen and I thought it was pretty cool so i took a few quick pictures. Sorry in advance for the crappy cell phone pics, I dont typically carry a digital camera with me.
  2. WINNER! I had Johnsonville brats fried rice and orange soda.
  3. oh I gotcha, I know who you are now.. @chris did your pipes scrape on the drive?
  4. were you that short kid there? jw. and good luck i dont think senior membership status works quite like that.. i have come out a few times now and you dont see senior member under my name.
  5. I had a good time, I enjoyed meeting all of you, sorry I had to duck out early.. 2jsupra88 I loved your car it's badass. Doc, the century was nice, maybe next time you could take me for a spin. farkas, your car looks even better and lower in person, and it seemed to handle pretty well Everyone else had nice cars as well, we will have to have another Toyota meet this year.
  6. Glad I made the cut. whoever decided not to ban me deserves a beer.
  7. well no shit captain obvious. he has over double my power, yeah he would beat me. still a nice car.
  8. none of those will work. mine is zif not sata. basically an ipod drive would work.
  9. link? pretty sure its not too late to cancel the order, i just ordered it. idk if a ssd would work, i know some of the dell mini models have them, and thats basically what i was trying to accomplish with the cf card zif adapter, but it wouldnt accept the cf card as bootable, it gave it drive letter x.
  10. 2jsupra nice ride, i hope to see it tomorrow.
  11. thanks, but i just ordered another harddrive, which sucks because i am going to use the car for data logging and we all know how shitty 1.8" hard drives are when it comes to vibration..
  12. http://goofygifs.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/12/funny-gifs-u-mad.gif
  13. You still mad I reported your post?? I was just pushin your buttons, it'll be ok.
  14. I dont see any missing trolls, so i'm stumped.. Then again, Wagner hasnt posted in here
  15. You've earned my respect sir.. Someone +rep him for me.
  16. i'd be down, but im already booked thru the weekend.
  17. i had a stripped down version on a thumb drive.. what i am attempting is a full install on a cf media card.. i bought an adapter where it goes in where the hard drive was. if i figure out how to get it going i will share the information.
  18. i bought a zif to cf media card adaptor, now im trying to upload windows onto that, and its not recognizing any drives,has anyone else attempted this?
  19. for people with breathing trouble, it's worth it IMO
  20. Yep, good idea. Since you're beat.
  21. prius before the recall. those things cant be that hard to handle, and i like the challenge. would you rather get your fingers ripped off with pliers and have the wounds cauterized with a torch lighter or use kathy bates' queefs for air supply for 3 hours a day for the rest of your life.
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