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Everything posted by mjrsplat

  1. you got it wrong man. gorilla glue takes too long to dry. and did you really just ask jeff for his pubes? thats going in my sig.
  2. You know what this thread needs? http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_dPMZ2uQrKUs/TSvKA5N1BKI/AAAAAAAAAC0/sbnHq-ZuaHs/s400/untitledghh.JPG http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_dPMZ2uQrKUs/TSvKGg3TWmI/AAAAAAAAAC8/p3Ch8MYnVH8/s400/untitledghgfhhghjgh.JPG TRIPLE! fags. that maalox white rx7 gonna get beat
  3. http://www.nypress.com/imgs/hed/art19640.jpg
  4. mjrsplat

    wow fuck

    You fail. Next time get your lady drunker and suggest a threesome. Dont forget to say, "If you really love me, you'll do it, because I never had issues in past realtionships organizing 3 ways." If she says no after that, tell her you miss your ex and let the fighting ensue.
  5. Fixed. Btw call patterson.. he has his special rape glasses on today. http://i523.photobucket.com/albums/w351/Pats16Valve/Wolfgang/Picture492.jpg
  6. mjrsplat

    Ask Hal

    Yup, here it is. http://www1.macys.com/catalog/product/index.ognc?ID=336270&CategoryID=39219#fn=sp%3D1%26spc%3D11
  7. http://i53.tinypic.com/2eqc3rs.png
  8. Hey, you know how I know you're gay?
  9. everybody follow me to the nws section. shits about to get real.
  10. There's a whole lot of homo in here! Patter$on time to get serious for a minute. would you quit pming me about your cock stuffing fantasies? my cock is not going anywher near your throat, and no i will not spank you with a wooden paddle. also, idk why you keep sending me this picture, but it doesnt impress me. please, take it back. http://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_l8mu9xSyzh1qcyo5eo1_500.jpg
  11. usually home depot.. i will be out there tomorrow.
  12. im out. i should be at sawmill though.
  13. make it into a dump truck. hasnt been done.
  14. mjrsplat

    Zombies now

    i will probably be on black ops tonight Mjr Splat
  15. id be down to meet up.. i may venture to el sawmillo tonight too. who knows.
  16. CALLING ALL TROLLS. someone needs to make my previous bar post into a flow chart. i don't have the time. title it underage drinking: your personal guide to coolness.
  17. took about 5. Y U MAD BRUH?
  18. that place is a shithole. but its in walking distance, so i go there when i wanna get REALLY trashed
  19. Cliff notes: http://www.babynewsnow.com/images/baby_crying.jpg http://oboutbabyworld.tk/wp-content/uploads/2011/02/baby-crying1.jpg TRIPLE. /thread
  20. I'm sure you can get into bars underage, it doesnt make you special. let me outline a few possible outcomes. get kicked out. Pay a cover charge, and have the x on your hand, scrub it off in the bathroom or wear long sleeves and hope the security guards dont catch you drinking. go to a shithole and have your friends buy drinks, get wasted off 2 beers, and get beat up by a ghetto chick in the parking lot. Get denied at the door, commencing a fit of rage about how important you are, how your dad can buy and sell anyone in there, in hopes of impressing your friends and offending bar staff on your way out, followed by a night of crying alone in your room, because that big mean security guard made you look bad in front of the hot ladies entering the bar at the same time you tried. Skip the bar, go through a drive thru where all the underage kiddos buy their beer, ending with 2 possible outcomes a. Drink at home b. Take said beer to a high school party so the freshmen chicks think you're cool. In conclusion, you're nobody special, you sure as hell arent cool because you drink underage, you have an inflated ego due to low self esteem. probably because you are horribly unfortunate looking or you have a tiny penis. Before you come back with your typical teenage response saying you have a smoking hot girlfriend, save it for someone else. I don't care what you have to prove, You're obviously a tool.
  21. its cuz he is happy not to be a wee widdle teenager anymore. he still cant go to bars, fuck him. lol. missed the triple post. :0
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