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Everything posted by bones514bb

  1. Your first post States it's your first bike, it's probably not a bad idea to take a rider's course. A bobber isn't a dirt bike, it would be a shame to see you drop it after putting a bunch of work into it. For the record I'd also like to add you're coming off as a complete dick in this thread. People are trying to be helpful, and you're left looking like a fucking jerk. This serves as proof that no matter how fast, built, or "nice" a Honda owner's car is, he's still a Honda owner and will act as such. That's all I have left to say. Back to lurking..
  2. Was it free? Or was it "free"
  3. Bolt on ebay grille Fab work completed. By the way, its totalled n shit.
  4. Yet you had to have your truck re keyed. Sorry, but your story doesn't add up. I'm going back to lurking now.
  5. I'm not much for jumping into these battles, but it seems you had lost your truck keys, yet your wife was in your truck with it running. Either you're lying about losing your keys and paying money to change all your locks, or you're lying about your wife being safe in a running vehicle. Which is it?
  6. bones514bb


    man i'll take em if you still have them
  7. who needs a gf when you've already got girls coming over to get fucked hahaha no strings attached i think i'll keep my arrangement thank you
  8. haha yeah i'll do that skip the B.S. lol
  9. wow everybody damn bash my brains in for fucking up
  10. My apologies. sorry for being vague, i live in delaware, i have been friends with Aj (mjrsplat) for quite a while. any time he needs spare hands around the garage i jump up and help him, like i said im a gearhead and i love to wrench. i dont have a car of my own at the moment but i dont mind getting my hands dirty helping my buddies. also i thought id add, i love lincolns, i even have a lincoln symbol tattooed on my arm, i'll get pics of that soon. if you want to know anything else just ask, mjrsplat told me to post a few pictures of his supra, so here's a couple pictures of his engine bay and all that like i said if you need to know anything else feel free to ask me. oh, and be sure to ask about that time his engine bay caught fire lol that was a little crazy.. it wasnt major, started by a leaking oil feed line, but its all fixed now. anyway, on with the pics. http://i209.photobucket.com/albums/bb244/98xploder/005.jpg http://i209.photobucket.com/albums/bb244/98xploder/003.jpg http://i209.photobucket.com/albums/bb244/98xploder/100_4419.jpg these pics are straight off photobucket, he told me to mention if i need him to vouch for me he will, so feel free to contact him.
  11. yeah maybe he should get mjrsplat to help me i guess my first attempt was an EPIC FAIL
  12. hey i'm jimmy i'm good friends with mjrsplat im always helping him work on his cars (the 90 supra and the 91 cutlass) and i've always been a gear head lol and i do body work
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