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Posts posted by 10phone2

  1. Actually I was thinking of a firebird for the hood and WS6 badges. :gabe: There's also a LOT of LED strips for sale here for work...


    It would be funny as shit to turbo/supercharge your car and add a bunch of WS6 badges just to fuck with people.

  2. Put that motor and other shit to put down the power in my MS3 please.


    It would be fun as hell to troll 270 on the weekends in something like that. :gabe:


    what would make it fun as hell is if it had faded/chipped stock paint, widened stock rims w/ slicks, and stock rear bumper/side markers. That would be an easy money maker

  3. :lol: let's talk about pillows. I have super bad neck pain along with my back issues I'm just a wreck so I was seeing what everyone else usses for a pillow? Pros and cons? Best bang for the buck?


    have you seen a chiropractor? Or even tried getting really shit faced and passing out at a random place? For some odd reason your body will appreciate your normal pillow after that for free

  4. Another well trained bicyclist keeping up with traffic outside mansfield and new albany


  5. I also love when people paint their wheels battleship grey....




    Good shit there.


    Instead of splurging for for 1k+ rims, have you looked into a low frills 5-8 psi turbo kit?

  6. Oh my god, I just went to my friends wedding and he is an asshole. I can't believe I had to walk up a slight incline



    To make it worse, there was no golf carts allowed and their was no valet.


    What in the fuck is his problem. Fuck him.

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