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Everything posted by codyh

  1. codyh


    hahahaha i remember when i wore those hats when i was 12 fag
  2. codyh


    is that actually him. what a joke. how can he talk shit about anyone
  3. codyh


    na na man your older than 16 he wont say anything
  4. what is the underlying story to this? this actually happened at a meet? did he curb stomp him after
  5. that is one helluva school. its huge. so the huge dicks fit nicely
  6. codyh


    dude you are a fucking idiot. i dont start rumors o lol omg i dont start them. but you get on here and say something about him that sounds completely false, and you admitted not knowing anything about it. why would a kid say to all of his friends he has a blow up doll? you are a fucking tool. it was funny to read peoples humor in here and pick fun, but ur taking it outside of cr and being a bitchass
  7. codyh


    High school kids are so cool these days.
  8. codyh


    Y you no come out to meet so i meet you?
  9. codyh


    I guess we will never know... Bring it on fuckers...
  10. codyh


    You would do that because you cant argue without the whole forum behind your back.
  11. codyh


    Yes nikki it was in a school parking lot going 15 MPH...
  12. codyh


    Hmm I was wondering who that acne infested female was who flipped me off for no reason. Should of known it was your wife. I had to get over and turn, and you were being a jackass and kept speeding up. And yes I "zipped" over so fast omg, going 40 MPH. I have a dent because I got tboned?? In the school parking lot?? Since you know it all. GTFO with your shitty pontiac that couldnt even beat a contour.
  13. codyh


    Hahaha seems like its working eman... Couldnt feel heat pain... I guess thats why they shell out a good amount of cash, incase something like this happens. Hope it gets better tho! Looked at one of the upcoming trials, and it says you could get paid up to $6500? Does that mean you could also get like $50? That may be a question for ethan. has he done more?
  14. Yes this over anything!!! Welded up my brothers cat on his truck just before he drove to colorado. He fixed stouts shitty ass fucking job.
  15. Oh ok dont wash it! lol
  16. Ahh word. Same. Always in that area. But again. Amazing pics. I was very pleased with the fish for some reason??
  17. After Im done with my mothers polishing ball and its all black and what not, I just use really hot water and dawn dish soap all on it... Would wax really be that much different? Or is it pretty much the same. Cause if its the same dawn works amazing. Good luck!
  18. Wish you could of been there. That place was ghetto as fuck. To cops drove by and said you guys should not be here hahaha. I will use a polarizer next time... I had it on but took it off.
  19. Man it got justin bieber in 8 questions.
  20. Ohhh ok ya ya I get exactly what you are saying... I would be pissed if I got alot of pics back... BTW that TL pic looks amazing!
  21. Really good pictures man!!! BTW saw you driving on east campus view a few days ago, turning onto high street.
  22. Hahaha ya everyone on forums hates the teg... I think its a neat, weekend drunk art project lol. If you knew the owner, the car kinda reflects his funny personality. The road sign is bolted down with spark plugs and the emblem on the front of the car is a beer bottle opener... I didnt post all those pictures thinking they were keepers, or even that good. I just wanted you guys to get an idea of what I was trying to do, angles, and what not.
  23. codyh

    Paint Qs

    Mr. Clifford??? Wait for his input.
  24. Sorry they are Jpeg, i meant raw as in not edited. I like the Quick edits of the teg! Did you make the background more, blurred on the last one??? I like... Thanks for the advice... You always have great stuff to say.. pdqgp for mod of the darkroom. lol
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