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Everything posted by codyh

  1. codyh


    also truff.
  2. codyh


    And if anyone nutswings its you to me. EVERY single thread I post in you are the very next post, all my rep is somehow from you, and now you make a thread about me. If you want to see me naked just ask...
  3. codyh


    truff... Only thing Im insecure about is my small penis size.
  4. Ok thanks for the help. The 70-200mm lens is canon brand. They truly are an amazing piece of equipment.
  5. Well of course. Doc and a few others were discussing this potential problem.
  6. codyh


    Ban for speaking his mind.
  7. codyh


    Get the fuck out... Or ill post your large sweaty ass face next.
  8. This weekend im planning a photo shoot with my buddies silver Slammed Acura TL type-S. I took photography class last semester, and during the fall and early winter I took alot of pics. But winter is over, summer is starting and I have yet to start taking pics again. And my amateur status is rusty. So I was planning on taking pics this weekend sometime at dusk, I wanted to take some just normal shots from some "unique" angles, and then I wanted to try and tackle some rolling shots. Which Im super excited about. The camera I am using is a Canon EOS D60. I have the stock 35-105MM lens and then I have a 70-200MM lens I would like to use. What is some of your advice for taking still shots at around dusk, as in apeture, shutter speed, etc etc. And then the same question for taking rolling shots. I hope to be going about 35 MPH or maybe slower. What should I make my shutter speed and apeture etc etc??
  9. codyh


    Anyone want to footrace??? Cause major_payne will footrace you for $50 bucks. Hey look who it is zeefag http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash2/hs082.ash2/37449_1368955262305_1184415665_30877299_5594982_n.jpg
  10. The second part meant that a social member wouldnt even be allowed back there without permission, let alone work on their car.
  11. hahahahaha I have never seen that!
  12. Ya guys.... A social membership will NOT give you access to the lifts or work on your car areas. Maybe the washbay?? IDK. Also a social member will not even have access to the shop portion of the garage.
  13. haha thanks jones.
  14. Hey man my brother who is in Kandahar Afghanistan told me about a civic hatch shell that he wanted me to take a look at. And now I see your post. My brother is really interested... Send me a PM mang.
  15. That looked like Doc and I when we were loading up his future cafe racer! But instead we didnt run, we had our hands on the brake, we didnt miss the ramp, we got it up the ramp, and tied it down sucessfully. So actually nothing like that at all..Idiots.
  16. Oh haha I get it... No I didnt mean $20 dollar race for you. I meant for me so your still good. -.-
  17. I would race a chair if I could.
  18. Hahaha Thats so funny! I saw that one like last year but that is WELL worth a repost!!!
  19. Ill race you for 20 bucks.
  20. well fuck... Sorry about that guys. its always nice to watch it again and laugh.
  21. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AeYsIFmYT6o&feature=related Haha fucking red necks... Nice truck too.
  22. haha you call me a fag when you let your annoying ass girl friend boss you the fuck around. Any ways I love the color of that Fusion!
  23. Something about you photographers, when you just take a normal pic, and your not even trying to make it look sweet, the pictures end up coming out sweet!
  24. I can tell you right now that he did this thread from his phone. And he posted manual but auto correct fucked him... SMH... true-story.com
  25. Ohhh my bad man I thought you meant all for some reason. I was like what!?!
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