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Everything posted by codyh

  1. Haha funny thing you say that, I was wondering what my parents thoughts would of been if they would of saw half of my body out of a moving car going like 50 with our camera... haha thats why it makes it fun.
  2. Thanks... I just wish they were not underexposed...
  3. I numbered the pics so its easy to say oh I like # this this and this... Easier to say which one you like, or which one you would have done something different with.
  4. 13. http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y269/xmod_supra/TL%20pics%206%2004%2011/6042011danhoffomanotherguy053.jpg 14. http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y269/xmod_supra/TL%20pics%206%2004%2011/6042011danhoffomanotherguy057.jpg 15. http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y269/xmod_supra/TL%20pics%206%2004%2011/6042011danhoffomanotherguy061.jpg 16. http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y269/xmod_supra/TL%20pics%206%2004%2011/6042011danhoffomanotherguy074.jpg TL type-s... Very upset with these photos. Would of loved to get more car spots... And they are underexposed (right?) 17. http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y269/xmod_supra/TL%20pics%206%2004%2011/6042011danhoffomanotherguy088.jpg 18. http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y269/xmod_supra/TL%20pics%206%2004%2011/6042011danhoffomanotherguy093.jpg 19. http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y269/xmod_supra/TL%20pics%206%2004%2011/6042011danhoffomanotherguy095.jpg 20. http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y269/xmod_supra/TL%20pics%206%2004%2011/6042011danhoffomanotherguy107.jpg 21. http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y269/xmod_supra/TL%20pics%206%2004%2011/6042011danhoffomanotherguy110.jpg 22. http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y269/xmod_supra/TL%20pics%206%2004%2011/6042011danhoffomanotherguy112.jpg 23. http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y269/xmod_supra/TL%20pics%206%2004%2011/6042011danhoffomanotherguy120.jpg The storm coming in!!! 24. http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y269/xmod_supra/TL%20pics%206%2004%2011/6042011danhoffomanotherguy132.jpg 25. http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y269/xmod_supra/TL%20pics%206%2004%2011/6042011danhoffomanotherguy138.jpg ^^^ we stopped on that overpass ramp to watch the winning!! Other cars stopped. 26. http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y269/xmod_supra/TL%20pics%206%2004%2011/6042011danhoffomanotherguy139.jpg ^^^^ the ramp we stopped on because of rain. 27. http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y269/xmod_supra/TL%20pics%206%2004%2011/6042011danhoffomanotherguy142.jpg ^^^^ That was a 1/20 shutter speed??? I thought it was cool. Thoughts??? I have notice that alot of my pics like to come out grainy??? Would a filter help that or no??
  5. Well like I said in my advice thread, I was doing a photo shoot. Im very new to all this... I need ALOT more experience to find better viewpoints, angles, and i need to get better at choosing what cars deserve more pics. (oh yes also I need to get use to making better decisions when it comes to apeture's and all that garbage.) I spent way to many pics on the black TL! I wanted to spend alot of time on the silver TL Type-S but weather kinda fucked me... And I ended up taking too many pictures of the black TL. I also took a good amount of pics of the JANKY teg. (some pictures were just me testing things out, and other pics were just straight shitty pics. No picture in here really popped for me) BTW these pictures are RAW. Not edited.. Im hoping pdqgp can help with editing? Album (ill post the decent ones umderneath) http://s7.photobucket.com/albums/y269/xmod_supra/TL%20pics%206%2004%2011/?start=all These were just in the parking lot where we met.. Nothing interesting in the backdrop. 1. http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y269/xmod_supra/TL%20pics%206%2004%2011/6042011danhoffomanotherguy006.jpg 2. http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y269/xmod_supra/TL%20pics%206%2004%2011/6042011danhoffomanotherguy013.jpg 3. http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y269/xmod_supra/TL%20pics%206%2004%2011/6042011danhoffomanotherguy018.jpg ^^^sadly the best rolling shot... It was my first time... If I was to do it again. I would do it without blocking 71 traffic, have him get over one more lane, a different angle, and not over expose the fuck out of the pic. 4. http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y269/xmod_supra/TL%20pics%206%2004%2011/6042011danhoffomanotherguy026.jpg 5. http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y269/xmod_supra/TL%20pics%206%2004%2011/6042011danhoffomanotherguy027.jpg 6. http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y269/xmod_supra/TL%20pics%206%2004%2011/6042011danhoffomanotherguy030.jpg 7. http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y269/xmod_supra/TL%20pics%206%2004%2011/6042011danhoffomanotherguy034.jpg 8. http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y269/xmod_supra/TL%20pics%206%2004%2011/6042011danhoffomanotherguy036.jpg The janky teg 9. http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y269/xmod_supra/TL%20pics%206%2004%2011/6042011danhoffomanotherguy044.jpg 10. http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y269/xmod_supra/TL%20pics%206%2004%2011/6042011danhoffomanotherguy047.jpg 11. http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y269/xmod_supra/TL%20pics%206%2004%2011/6042011danhoffomanotherguy048.jpg 12. http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y269/xmod_supra/TL%20pics%206%2004%2011/6042011danhoffomanotherguy051.jpg
  6. codyh


    expect the unexpected.
  7. codyh


    Haha I was in a TL type-s and it started hailing. We stopped on a Over and under pass to stop from being hit with the weather... We were coming from a photo shoot, so I decided to get out of the car on the camp. And take photos of the stopped traffic on the highway beneath us.. Haha was bad weather.
  8. codyh


    im leaving now all, btw thats not what he said originally, he said something about brake cleaner, but then it got edited. look for the red hatch!
  9. I am truly surprised in Hal's knowledge of SERE training... o.O? You are truly (truly) one of those people who has knowledge in every subject, and uses that knowledge at the most opportune time. Anyways, like I said. Hal is 100% correct. All SERE info is classified. And your comment "I don't think as much of SERE is as classified as you think it is" doesnt make sense. It is either classified or not. I do not know first hand info about SERE, nor will I act like I do. But my brother went through SERE to become a loadmaster on a C-130, and my dad was an aggressor at the SERE training camp in Spokane, Washington. (AKA spokanistan)
  10. No burnouts... -.- please..
  11. codyh


    I may come out in my hatch for the first time. Would be the first time to a meet in cbus. i have been just lurking these threads for a long time. its about time i go out and see these characters.
  12. idk man your message machine is all sorts of fucked haha... Ill pm you my number... give me a call i would like to see the car.
  13. codyh


    I love cawks, please let me nibble upon yours ?
  14. Is that shutter speed (for the most part) fast enough to the point where i wont have to use anything to really stabilize it from moving???
  15. texted you twice... is it a call only phone?
  16. Ok will do... I know about 95% of them will be throw aways. X) What shutter speed do you suggest for rolling shots at say 30 MPH
  17. Im almost for sure gonna call and maybe show up. I have known of this plan prolly since last june when my boss at the golf course was saying how we need this track... I cant wait for it! Hopefully it passes!
  18. I may need you to edit them for me??? I do not have access to editing software since school let out, next wednesday. But I wont have time.
  19. codyh


    Ok now Im done.
  20. codyh


    Funny you say that cause I am just waiting to hear back from the guy with the tickets, and how many my family has. We for sure have 2 but waiting on 2 others. I wouldnt charge you anyways. The guy with the hospitality house would. Im sorry guys i am trying my hardest "not to defend myself" but when someone makes a thread about you, talks shit, people make shit up, random people believe and start talking shit, are you going to defend yourself? Hell ya you are. So I will say this, pontiacfreak123 Why do you think you deserve an apology? Stop going with the crowd!
  21. Thanks for the help pdqgp.
  22. codyh


    As insulting as that post was, it was the blunt truth. I was able to get past all of the insults and see what your points were. That honestly felt like most caring thing you have ever said since or before my brothers (and bens) departure. lol And Im being dead serious. I still dont believe most are being serious in this thread, but it is what it is. As for the people that dont know me.. Well meet me before you judge me. Chris, your apology letter truly sounds liek how i feel and what i am thinking.
  23. codyh


    Only car I got in that i didnt have permission from was Alex's supra. I thought I had permission. (which Im sure I did but he can easily change what he said) But I said It was my bad. Im sorry. Alex knows me so its not like a stranger was getting in his car... I never got in anyone elses without permission. I appreciate the advice, and I will take it. Atleast one guy can be a decent person on here.
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