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Posts posted by Franchi

  1. PM sent!


    I def like the idea of renting space out to CR folks vs some random ass person off the street. The property has two houses on it that are occupied by some close friends of mine as well as well as a video security system which covers part of the acreage.

  2. I do actually. Got a metal barn and a side garage at a 5 acre property that I just got back in June and was thinking of figuring out a way to use some of the extra unused space to generate some side income. Shoot me a PM


    It's located off Cherry Bottom rd, about 5 mins from Easton.

  3. /\/\


    Exactly. My sleeve has taken almost 2 years to complete with 4 sessions but for something I am going to stare at for the rest of my life, I am willing to wait. He is that good.

  4. If you want complex but damn good, Riot Ink. Nathan Varney is the owner and expensive, and usually has a 4 month wait list for himself but also has four other artists in his shop, all legit.


    I have a full sleeve which is a nature scene and pretty damn detailed, all done by Nathan. I've used a few others in the past for various tattoos but none came close to Riot Ink.

  5. I vote store it at a friends place, off the beaten path and add hidden miniguns mounted to motion detectors whenever somebody comes within 30 feet of said item. I mean, I could PROBABLY design and build that for you....
  6. Wife and I were talking about this the other day. The hope is some day we can afford one for a toy. Right now unless they are stupid cheap I just can't afford that kind of payment with the other 2 daily driver payments. Also, does it require a motorcycle endorsement or just normal driver?


    Normal driver. Few years ago they required a motorcycle license but that changed to regular license a while ago.


    It's been a year or so since I've looked at prices but seemed like you could get a solid 2 - 3 year old used model with under 20k miles for about 15 to 20k if you take your time and search.

  7. I looked at them on paper when they rolled out and thought to myself, how could a four banger GM ecotech engine be any fun? When I borrowed it from Doc, I had asked him once what the most fun bang for buck vehicle he had in his stable at the time and he said the slingshot without hesitation which made me legit consider it for the first time and he was kind enough to let me borrow it for a couple hours.


    It's certainly not the fastest fun vehicle I've had or built but damn, they nail everything for a fun afternoon spirited cruise around town. Long as you don't go the typical way of slingshots with gaudy ass LED lights and blaring stereos.

  8. Don't be a dumbass with it, fill the gas tank when done and you can use mine for a afternoon. PM me if you want to use it, I am uber busy right now in life so sometimes go a week or two before checking CR out.


    Doc let me do that back in the day so just passing the favor along. (I came back a year later and bought his slingshot as they are just too much fun. lol)

  9. Fuck sponsors. This is the same commercialized stuff we have made fun of for years. Now we just copy what the other group already did? I go to Hilliard C&C now


    For complete transparency, I offered to Clay to help sponsor our C@C. I do not foresee this ending well for you. lol

  10. /\/\


    What he said. I am a very active individual and use a couple supplements which I like but the base line discussion should be diet and if there is any type of regular exercise routine. Those two, plus a solid sleep pattern, make a huge difference in energy levels.

  11. Finally got around to funding and putting money into a Roth-IRA. Who else does this and what funds are you putting your money in with this? I mainly look at expense ratios and returns for the last year. What are other things I should be looking at? so far I've put money into SCHX, and SCHG. Been looking at others to get into, VIO? VOO? what does CR recommend?


    Investing is a highly personalized decision, and what one person does, another may not be comfortable or want to do.


    That being said, you are far ahead of the game for the simple reason that you actually STARTED it and thinking about it and educating yourself. And starting with ROTH is super good, esp if you have a while to go before retiring. Props to you.


    I evaluate my portfolio 2x a year but generally only move funds every few years if one starts to decline over a couple quarters but I keep an eye on it and don't recommend set it and forget it mentality. I don't look at expense ratios too much unless I need a tie breaker between two funds that seem almost identical. I typically look at 1 year, 3 year and 5 year returns, with a focus on the 3-5 range. If you aren't going to actively manage your portfolio, then looking at longer term (5 to 10 year) is generally wise.


    I also stick to mutual funds as well, and generally in a growth fund (AGTHX for past couple years which has performed very well) as I have 20 years to go before 60. I am personally comfortable not being spread into 2-3 different categories but that's because I keep an eye on it in general through the year. If I didn't do that, totally would diversify further.


    I am not a investing professional by any means but I have well educated myself on retirement investing over the past ten years and can point you in the direction of some good resources to continue to teaching yourself if you want, just drop me a message.

  12. What they said.


    You could use a surface coating epoxy (NOT a deep pour version) which would help but it wouldn't be STRONG. And for the cost of epoxy, as good stuff isn't cheap, probably just be better to replace it if you can. Cheap resin sucks balls and wouldn't help at all.


    If you decide to go new, buy the wood and bring it to me with sizing of the old pieces and I can cut it down to exact sizes needed in my shop, wouldn't take long on the table saw, assuming they aren't any weird cuts.

  13. Wasn't sure what thread to stick this in. Wife bought me a few sampler bottles of bourbons for my Xmas stocking stuffer and rather then drinking them (only like the Bulliet out of the bunch) I decided instead to try my hand at making a whiskey wall art piece. See end result.






    Used walnut wood and did two stage epoxy pours to make it. Did first stage of the epoxy with a medieval copper color (it's the legit name, I laughed) and once that cured, placed the sampler bottles on top and did another epoxy pour in clear epoxy resin this time.


    Then couldn't just have the piece by itself so I made a backerboard made from pine, stained dark to frame it nicely. Had an electrician friend over to wire in my new dust collector in my woodshop, he saw it half way done and told me to name my price.




    Due to the thickness of the sampler bottles, it's a pretty hefty piece. (epoxy can be heavy in bigger amounts) so I did a french cleat mount on the back so it would be super secure.




    Apparently my electrician friend and his wife have a longtime friend who recently lost her husband of 40 years to Covid, and he was a huge bourbon fan. So my electrician is buying it (I gave him a smoking deal after he told me the reason) to give her as a momento to her husband.


    Since everybody in this thread is a fan of whiskey and bourbons, thought you may like to see it. Took me about three weeks to make.

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