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Everything posted by poindexter710

  1. yes i was asking about psi for my tires. i think i was running too low. 24.5x8x13in m/t et drags. i started out at 11.5 psi then dropped it down to 10. had a 1.81 60ft with 11.5 then went to 1.85 with 10psi.
  2. Different anthony. I was in the bleachers near the starting line as well. Did you see the red hatch run?
  3. Different anthony. I was in the bleachers near the starting line as well. Did you see the red hatch run?
  4. I think so... are you friends with anthony? I was in the smaller bleachers with a bunch of people.
  5. I saw you.. I was in a red civic hatchback. I was only at 9psi 12.57 was my best pass 272whp/210ftlbs.
  6. That's my old integra...I don't have any pictures of my current one yet
  7. http://i1113.photobucket.com/albums/k510/poindexter710/1117091300.jpg
  8. http://i1113.photobucket.com/albums/k510/poindexter710/IMG_20101011_074725.jpg
  9. http://i1113.photobucket.com/albums/k510/poindexter710/IMG_20110429_200355.jpg
  10. Ok, not to sound dumb...but I just downloaded the photobucket app...so now how do I get a picture up here? I've never even used photobucket. I uploaded my pics to my photobucket account...
  11. Yea I already read that...like I said in the op my internet at home won't work and I'm using my phone. I habe pictures saved on my phone but I'm not sure how to upload those without them actually being online I.e. photobucket etc. Ill definitly try to post some up this afternoon/evening unless I can figure out how using my droid. Thanks!
  12. What's goin on? I heard about this website from a few friends and from talk on other forums so I figured id check it out. I currently have a 96 acura integra gsr and a 95 honda civic hatchback. Ill work on getting pictures up asap....my computer broke so I've been using my droid (which sucks btw). Anyways I joined to hopefully meet some new car enthusiasts around the area maybe go to some meets or cruises. Thanks and let the bashing begin!
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