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Everything posted by AC66Bronco

  1. being half asleep and very dyslexic......... it took me a min before i loled...
  2. heres my thoughts on the Escort Live. It is obviously only going to work when other ppl runing it are out. It will only work with escort products. If it was universal and worked with all brands it would be amazing!
  3. Honestly wouldnt touch DDM tuning but that is just my opinon. http://farm2.static.flickr.com/1438/5181883649_3338e404ec_o.jpg take that for what it is. http://www.theretrofitsource.com I use these guys and no I am not getting paid to plug their products.
  4. i dont see 15k in modds... i do see 15k in making it fucking look good again tho.
  5. Hope you got perfect wheel bearings too lol
  6. Man you make me miss fishing out in the deep. Went years ago and caught a ton of dolphin sooo yummy. But yea shit gets expencive really quick.
  7. YOU ALL SUCK!!!! I'm at Easton.
  8. wow nature sure is crafty sometimes. other times not so much.
  9. Damn glad your ok sad to see the car go tho. But god damn you waste no time finding a new one!
  10. Communism was a good idea too...
  11. It is more for training new ppl so they can see that it changed. Ill have to read up on the goal seek and what if analysis. me no good with them lol TY very much!:megusta:
  12. Didnt even know this existed. Many thanks Dave! Will def be using you for the emergency I need it now parts. (car still has a warranty) lol
  13. DING WINNER!!!!! However column b will almost never have the same values. starting to think macro...
  14. right but everything is going to be constantly changing. this is for a financial application. what would i set the cell equal to if for instance 5 is not always going to be 5 it could be 50000000000000000 maybe i am confused.
  15. http://img15.imageshack.us/img15/535/62539424.jpg
  16. Here is what I am trying to do. I am trying to make cell colors change if a data source is changed from a different value. The problem is that the data source will never be the same. For instance if the data source is 5 and you change it to say 4 I want any cells that are linked to the source cell of 5 to change to a different color. But it won’t always be 5. Anyone got any ideas? Been messing around with conditional formatting.
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