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  • Birthday 03/05/1987

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    2010 Kia Forte EX

OIF_OEF_VET's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. matty b at thrill vultre, jerimiah at stained skin, ben hatfield (benhatfieldtattoos.com) at stained skin second skin in newark. All great artists. Matty does the majority of my work and Jerm and Ben do most of my wifes.
  2. afghaniland 2011 http://i29.photobucket.com/albums/c286/laxgoalie65/382188_582385657581_27001158_32402550_1783829205_n.jpg "blow s%*t up day in Kandahar" http://i29.photobucket.com/albums/c286/laxgoalie65/378554_585691577491_27001158_32419790_645446673_n.jpg me and my 4 month old and our corgi the day I got home after being medevac'd. Had only seen him for a total of 10 days after he was born. http://i29.photobucket.com/albums/c286/laxgoalie65/418363_598691520501_27001158_32480723_670618949_n.jpg
  3. What does the job entail? I'm coming off active duty army (medevac'd from afghanistan) and Im looking for any and everything that could possibly help me out job wise. email: bradley.hoffman@us.army.mil
  4. I cant get "the social network" our of my head when i watch the trailer. IDK maybe its just me, but I cant seem to wrap my head around a new spidey. Effects and quality looks amazing though.
  5. i have a house over by the gahanna YMCA. You prolly saw me out when I had my white bmw. It was the only one in Gahanna like it.
  6. pretty much ive given up the idea of ever having another bmw or even possibly a vehicle that I will like and be allowed to mod and or drive somewhat fast. i love my wife. but apparently its not in the cards for me to enjoy my cars.
  7. doing that now. kinda jumped the gun on posting.
  8. newbie from columbus. used to be into the racing and mod scene with my bmws but sold those. story of me is: had fun cars, enjoyed them, meet girl, get married, have kid, sell cars, buy kia, hate life. lol. nah its alright. just hoping to maybe get another car to actually go fast with. names Brad. 1993 BMW 325i (the white one) http://i29.photobucket.com/albums/c286/laxgoalie65/DSC00557.jpg http://i29.photobucket.com/albums/c286/laxgoalie65/63059_540476069731_27001158_31898447_2068504_n.jpg http://i29.photobucket.com/albums/c286/laxgoalie65/63037_540476349171_27001158_31898472_2093521_n.jpg 2002 ZX2 S/R http://i29.photobucket.com/albums/c286/laxgoalie65/3o03pb3l05O55W05U6b2m8ef2158ab00718ee.jpg Work Truck- 1998 Dodge Ram 1500 Laramie SLT 4x$ http://i29.photobucket.com/albums/c286/laxgoalie65/untitled-3.jpg New 2010 Kia Forte EX http://i29.photobucket.com/albums/c286/laxgoalie65/432251_598667798041_27001158_32480670_5903930_n.jpg
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