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Everything posted by MattFromCR

  1. Jp do you just repost shit from cr to the other cr all day?
  2. So Columbus people are as naive about racing in Cleveland as Clevelanders are about their sports teams huh? Loving Jp copying a picture that was posted on clevelandracing by another member and using it to call people out in columbus, also calling vlad out apparently.:dumb:
  3. Hey, new guy from the Cleveland area. I just sold my evo so I don't have anything noteworthy right now, I'm on the lookout for an FD shell for a project car while I finish up school. Always see people (read: JP) posting threads from here onto the other cr so I figured I'd check it out. Pic of the aforementioned evo so you guys have something to look at. http://a6.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/205867_2257357193983_1249968980_2685369_2149441_n.jpg
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