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About SloSVTruck
- Birthday 08/23/1987
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2000 Ford Lightning
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Newbie (1/14)
Also I definitely wouldn't mix grounds on something like the sendor it could mess with the signal and is .ore then likely to small. Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk
Me personally I ran 10awg wire to my 460s in my tank. Both have independent feeds coming off separate relays. The ground needs to be sized just as large... any amperage going out needs to return to the battery.... 450s can pull up to 22amps full bore pretty sure.... so 12awg is pushing it with them. If there was a short or loose connection that could have caused the melting. Or just pulled more current then 14awg can handle. It never hurts to oversize things... unless the wiring just won't fit or bend/move how you need it to. Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk
Pic for reference Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk
Hey guys, kind of a long shot but was wondering if anyone had any sort of coyote supercharger sitting on a shelf waiting to be installed..... or just sitting around period. I have an adapter plate for my lightning that is designed to mount any style gt500 supercharger onto it. I found a guy selling a nice vmp gen2r but it's for a coyote motor..... trying to see if I can bring my plate and see what will need to be modified and if it's even possible.... I have read 3 bolt holes are different but trying to find out if it's possible to just drill and tap them or if they are in locations that that cannot be done.... If anyone has any leads on someone with one that I can bring my plate and just set the supercharger on it be appreciated. Thanks!!! Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk
Just wanted to update and thank everyone for the tips they provided. As I said before I have pretty much changed all ignition related parts at some point..... Well other night wouldn't start leaving work. Friend of mine came to help me check it out, it was dark out. So pulled the doghouse and was looking around and turning it over. I seen a spark coming from the coil wire where it had barely rubbed a little bit on a metal tube overtop of it. Taped that up and moved it for a temp fix. Then crank some more and my buddy notices sparks coming from the coil...... shooting out from the iron/metal plates. I had totally forgot about seeing something like this the first time I changed the coil but..... I had installed a cheap coil from advance. So this coil was the factory acdelco coil doing the same thing maybe 2 years after being installed..... I was shocked[emoji23][emoji23] it was doing it again.... I had some dielectric grease in the van..... rubbed it all over the metal plates and boom it fired right up..... Like really WTF. So..... installed a new coil wire with wire loom and severely coated the coil with dielectric grease that seems to be my fix for this POS. Thanks again everyone!!! Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk
I just jumped into the whole mining ordeal right around Christmas when everything was at ATH's. I've been using mostly AMD cards as they seem to be the cheaper price/performance IMO. Christmas got my rx580 for 200$ to upgrade my gaming rig.... then it has just snowballed from there. Wish I would have purchased more cards at that price. Now if I can find any rx570/580 for under 300$ I pretty much buy it. Right now have 7 cards mining around 29-30mhs each and have 2 more on the way. EVGA has been having some awesome bundle deals on things..... I splurged and bought 2 bundles 1 with a gtx1070 and 1 with a gtx1080. Both come with 150$ motherboards that should be capable of running 7 gpus. I'm not really a huge fan of the nvidia cards so I'm just reselling them on eBay for the price I paid on the bundle and getting a free motherboard out of the deal. Have a 1070 for sale now buyout 650.... bid is at 510$ with 5 days to go. Shouldn't be an issue selling it as it's pretty much the cheapest one on eBay right now. Right now dual mining ethereum and XVG.... Payouts should be around 500-600$ a month. Plan right now is to try and hodl my eth and hope it explodes when they finally go from POW to POS. Or trade some here and there from various tips I find on coins that may go up.... Not gonna say I've gained a fortune yet.... but I don't really see me losing money either so..... Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk
Those are some beautiful rigs man, very amazing workmanship with routing and everything looks awesome!!! Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk
Curious about this, what makes you bring the IRS thing up??? Because more than 20k was made via coinbase???? And they auto report it??? I've been curious as far as how people are dealing with tax things when it comes to this stuff..... Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk
Hey guys, this is the first I've really posted anything about having issues with my POS work van.... Figured would see if any techs on here have dealt with this or have any experience or tips. So have a 99 astro van 160k miles on it..... engine runs good have no complaints with that. Issue being when it rains/snows and sits for a while the van will not want to start. Now...... I have researched and changed many parts on this POS.... but still having issues, sometimes it will start fine then months later it will act up again. So the parts I have changed: Ignition module, cap, rotor, plugs, wires, ignition coil, spider fuel injection assembly, crank sensor, cam sensor. Some of these I have done multiple times and also installed acdelco parts at one point or another...... The one thing I can do to get it to start pretty much every time is take a blow dryer and set it under the hood about 1 foot away from the coil/ignition module let the blow dryer run for 2 mins and it will fire right up. This has to be a moisture issue but I've changed almost all the ignition parts except the whole distributor itself. Anyone ran into this before and have tips/solution???? Thanks Jon Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk
This article tells a lot, maybe more than you need or want to know. https://motherboard.vice.com/en_us/article/59zdjq/an-idiots-guide-to-building-an-ethereum-mining-rig This is a bigger setup that will make quite a bit more than 150$ per month. If you have a halfway decent computer and power supply that can accept 2 new video cards then you can make around 150$/month. That's pretty much what I've done, had my gaming pc I built back in 2012 this Christmas installed a new video card rx580 I purchased for 200$. Then started messing around with mining and found out I had a decent card to do it with. Then around new years I found a similar card for 210$ and purchased that. That was about the limits my pc and power supply can take so that's all the further I will take mine for now..... as to add more will take completely redoing everything pretty much. Those same 2 cards are about 260-280$ now..... the card prices are going up so much because of everyone buying them to mine. Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk
Well the transfer finally went through and took about 14 hours total for some reason. Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk
So I just started messing around with this stuff about last month. Currently mining eth with my pc making about 160-170$ per month right now. Transferring that to binance and putting it into different cheap coins for now (xrp,trx,xvg) making good gains with my small little breadcrumbs. So I tried buying some ETH from coinbase and then transferring to binance last night. Purchase went fine pretty instant says complete. Then tried sending to binance to buy into other coins but nope.... the transfer is slow or being held up for whatever reason. Anyone have a better way to do this??? I've heard GDAX might work but not going to mess with it till this transfer clears and I hear some feedback from people. Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk
Ordered one myself, didn't realize the AEP rebate stacked on top of this. That's an amazing deal!!!! My old POS thermostat will not be missed lol. Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk
I just picked up a 2014 mazda 6 fully loaded with 54k miles for 15k. Last fill up was saying 540 miles to E.... costing only 30$ to fill. Cars fun to drive, from all the reviews I've seen last forever and have very little issues. Granted on the freeway it's not the fastest accelerating thing out there but it does good enough for me while getting amazing mileage. Picked it up in indiana on the way back was getting 42mpg on the freeway cruise set at 76. Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk
Hi there, I purchased one of these https://www.astroperformance.com/product/reman-300hp-t-5-5-speed-transmission/ Years ago installed and and had gear whine..... drove maybe 200-300 miles. I should have went through the trouble of sending it back but didn't feel like dealing with shipping or them telling me it was my fault or improper installation. Ended up putting a tko500 in my car instead. Had my t5 recently checked out by a local friend transmission builder and he said gears 1/2/3 were all shot I guess. So anyways.... I do have what should be a good rebuildable t5 with all the parts included in that description I linked. Let me know if interested and what you think it's worth??? Thanks Jon Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk