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Posts posted by NitrousSam

  1. Tractor - I am leaning towards the 5D Mark III because it is half the price of the 1DX and I don't need the rapid fire shooting feature like sports photographers need. The other reason is that I can buy the 14 mm lens and the new flash and still have less in a turn key 5D Mark III than I would have in just the 1DX body.
  2. Tim - Thanks! I currently have a Canon 40D with a 10-22 lens and a Speedlite EX430. My current setup can only capture 16 mm wide and if I go with the 14 mm on the full frame it is obviously wider and with the full frame sensor the 5D Mark III and the 1DX will do much better in lower light settings. The advanced HD video is a feature that is exciting because shooting videos of the interiors of homes will capture so much more of the room than with the video camera I am currently using. The lack of audio is not really an issue because we can record the audio using Final Cut.
  3. I have been kicking around the idea of acquiring another Canon DSLR for my real estate business. The Canon 5D Mark III is a nice upgrade over the 5D Mark II especially because of the enhanced focusing and camera card options. The Mark III seems like the more practical choice for real estate over the 1DX. However, I have heard that the video feature and processors in the 1DX make it much better at processing true HD video. Can anyone with actual experience on these cameras comment.
  4. Saw it Sunday night and thought it was well worth watching. I liked it so much that I am hoping I can check it out again this weekend and hopefully on IMAX at Easton. I am a fan of Tom Hardy and he doesn't disappoint. There are some nice twists in this movie and they really did a great job of leaving the door wide open with the ending of this movie.
  5. John - No wheelie bars and no plans to add them on this particular car even though it is going to need them.


    The engine is a big bore Dart Big M block with 12 degree Big Chief heads, sheet metal intake, twin dominators, shaft rockers & belt, it was built specifically for large doses of nitrous and it has all the internal goodies. I am going to shake it down at Pacemakers on a Friday night test and tune hopefully next month. The first 60 foot should be crazy fun!!!

  6. http://www.knoxcountyohio.com/agent_files/Cool%20Cars/Screen%20Shot%202012-07-23%20at%207.29.38%20AM.png


    I picked up a 2nd generation Camaro 8 years ago with the idea that I would eventually drop in a healthy big block, add a big nitrous system and have a little fun reliving my high school days. I hadn't touched the car since the day I bought it and it has been sitting in my shop collecting dust until just recently. This past weekend I finished up acquiring the rest of the drivetrain and am hoping to get the car together and ready for some runs this coming August. Let the fun begin!!!

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