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Posts posted by cstmg8

  1. Yes, "real-time".


    Unfortunately there is some lag. At least with any of the setups I've tried. If you really want to try it, grab one from MC with one of those $40 android tablets that are on sale (yes they have the full play store). If it doesn't work for your application return it all.


    I want to know more about the $40 android tablet?

  2. I shoot enough to where we rarely if ever have to buy beef. I don't even remember the last time I bought beef other than a brisket to throw on the smoker here and there. It's been years. I got that buck back from the taxi yesterday.....66.75 lbs. Plus I have at least 1 more tag to fill. I have possibly 2 but my bonus doe expires right before gun season so I have a couple weeks to fill that one or it's gone. A lot of people hunt for the rack but I really don't. I don't shoot small deer but it has very little to do with the rack and more to do with the amount of meat they have on them. I'd be lying if I said I don't enjoy killing a big mature buck but that's not my goal every year....my goal is to stuff our freezer with as much deer meat as possible so we don't have to buy beef.


    Amen!! I can't wait to get out for shotgun/muzzleloader this year.

  3. I agree, I've grown up on Stihl and a few husqies , just thought maybe I could find one of those "used one time, then found out I can't run a chainsaw" units.

    Worth a shot, but heading out to buy new this weekend if nothing turns up.

    I appreciate all the help guys

  4. Planning to do quite a bit of cutting. I have about 10 full size hardwoods around the house and neighbors, and there's a good chance it will end up on the farm in Athens occasionally.

    I know the stihls would be a good purchase, but that 18" poulan looks pretty good to.

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