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Everything posted by cstmg8

  1. Yeah, the adjustable tubes are what's popular in the G8 world.
  2. Capped, otherwise the specific length to frequency ratio wouldn't work. Basically it bounces back the opposite frequency of your drone, "absorbing" it.
  3. No, AEP will claim it's an "act of God" that they can't control, like freeze and thaw. Home owners insurance will cover it. Don't be surprised if it takes two trips for them to find an issue. Be persistent.
  4. You need to have AEP come check their side. I've dealt with this on two different houses in Athens county. One was a bad neutral connector on their side. The other was a bad transformer serving only my parents house. Do you have a disconnect out by the meter on the pole? Check for those voltage fluctuations out there. My neighbor here in Columbus had the same issue last year, and I found a bad lug in their meter box itself. Rarely inside the house on these issues.
  5. cstmg8

    R.I.P. Ali

    Truly one of the greats. Sorry to hear this, at 74.
  6. Have any of you done simple mods like tune and exhaust? Does it make a big difference being as its a turbo vehicle? Seems they would be turned down from the factory. Has anyone installed a front leveling kit, as the ones I've looked at need it badly?
  7. cstmg8

    Sorry Lebroney

    If you can't beat Golden State without Curry and Thompson, how do you ever beat them? Not gonna happen this year Believeland.
  8. Helmholtz resonators. They are popular on the G8 exhausts also, due to drone with the AFM. You can even make them at home pretty easily. Some call them "j-pipes".
  9. Cool bike, but now you have to change your name to silverTriple. What's the story with the gas pump?
  10. Very cool. They got/get so many cooler cars down under than we do. It's a shame they're all going away.
  11. How much are we talking? Bulk pickup?
  12. I agree with both above, enclosure should have been kid proof, and shit happens. BUT, you don't leave a 4 yr old out of sight long enough to climb into anything when your in public. As badly as it sucks, parents are at fault. I'll bet the zoo has a law suit coming though.
  13. Do you have any dimensions on the tables, or brands so I can look them up?
  14. Nice, is Dover still doing any elevator work, or did they sell the whole division?
  15. Thanks, I just hope I get picked up soon. I can't imagine it will take them long to get through 10 people. I would love to work for Kone, but just getting started is the important part.
  16. Yep, those too, and lifts.
  17. Holidays are pretty standard, I know the guys working for my building got presidents day off, lol. Hours depend on the company you work for, I'm hoping for four 10's.
  18. It is a fairly small local as far as trades go, but the work is pretty steady in the service and mod fields due to heavy state regs on elevators. You maintain your elevators well, or the state shuts them down. The construction side can vary of course, but most of those guys work service when things are slow, I think.
  19. I'll take a pay cut for the first year or two, but not by much when you figure benefits. The minimum mechanics wage is about $43/hour, you start at 50% for your six month probation, then up to $24ish for the first year apprenticeship and yearly step increases until 4th year when you hit $43+. As soon as you get your card as an apprentice, you get fully paid health insurance for your FAMILY, pension, 401k and vacation. The hourly wage is after all of that is paid by the company. All overtime is double time.
  20. Just curious? I just got my confirmation email with my list placement, after making it through the testing and interview process over the last few months. I'm in the top ten on the list, out of well over 100 initial applicants, so I'm pretty happy with that. At 33 I finally feel like I've found the career that I'll stay in. I spent my working life moving up through contractor, property maintenance, and building engineer positions, but couldn't decide what ultimate path to shoot for. This is one I'll enjoy, is well respected, and pays 100k+ after a 4 yr apprenticeship. The local union is relatively small, but I figure there's got to be a few on CR who at least work with the trade.
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