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Everything posted by Lora

  1. First, I want to find out from a buyer is what they are looking for in a new home. We will typically go see 3-5 houses and regroup as usually their wants in a home has changed. With a first time home buyer I am very patient as it is a lot to take in. We will go see as many as they want! If anyone has a question about home buying process, I'm happy to help, even if you don't plan to have me as your realtor.
  2. I hear B-level is pretty reasonable. I am pretty sure they do free estimates.
  3. Lora

    New CR sponsor

    Thanks for the welcome, everyone. Marc- Sounds great. PM sent.
  4. Lora

    New CR sponsor

    Hi, everybody! I recently joined CR (intro thread: http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/showthread.php?t=118792 ) although I’ve attended CR events for a few years. I’ve just become a sponsor and would like to offer my services as a licensed real estate professional. I’ve read on the forum that many of you are negotiating the process of buying/selling homes. I know from experience that the process can present difficult decisions and questions that only a professional can answer. No doubt some of you already have realtors you’re comfortable with, and that’s great. If they are honest, with good market knowledge, effective negotiation skills and are supported by a strong professional network, they can serve you well in the housing marketplace, and there would be no good reason to switch from them. But if you’re a new homebuyer or if you feel that your last realtor didn’t do his/her best for you, I’d appreciate the chance to get to talk with you. I make the commitment to put my clients first, which means being accessible, being a good listener, communicating clearly, and responding quickly to your needs. And I know firsthand that car enthusiasts want special features with their homes. My Dad needed a large storage building just for shop space to store and restore his cars. I have a client who wants heated garage space for 8 cars, a quarter-mile double lane paved drive, relatively small residential square footage, but low upkeep costs and low taxes. People have unique wants, tastes, and budgets, and I’m not satisfied until the client is matched with the perfect property and the best price. For car enthusiasts, it may take a little extra work. Feel free to contact me through PM here or at the numbers in my sponsor banner. (CR sponsor list is here: http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/showthread.php?t=36577 ) I’m also at C&C or car shows with Doc (who claims to be some relative of mine), so don't be shy--come up to talk to me there. Also, I welcome you to post any questions or comments to this thread. I hope to meet you soon!
  5. Lora

    New to CR -- kinda

    Sadly, the Z28 is long gone i want to thank everyone for the kind words and making me feel so welcome.
  6. I'm Lora, and I've been to CR events off and on for a few years. I started five years ago helping with the food at Doc's open house at the Hangout and my husband was the DJ for the event. I go to car shows every year with my family, I've been to Cars and Coffee a few times and I've gone to the book signings at the Hangout. And yeah, I'm some distant relative of Doc's (supposedly) Don't hold that against me. I've got some racing in my blood. My Dad raced cars when I was growing up and I was a bit of a tomboy "helping" Dad with his cars. He raced mostly at MCIR and National Trail. Some of our family cars from back in those days: http://i355.photobucket.com/albums/r445/martyr65/LoraCR/63Impala_zps3101e1a5.jpg '63 Impala with some quarter mile trophies http://i355.photobucket.com/albums/r445/martyr65/LoraCR/64Corvette_zpsb8fee0ef.jpg '64 Corvette http://i355.photobucket.com/albums/r445/martyr65/LoraCR/72Nova_zps5c593a3e.jpg my mom's '72 Nova (also raced) http://i355.photobucket.com/albums/r445/martyr65/LoraCR/78Z28_zps870d4061.jpg '78 Z28 Camaro (mostly for street) My first car was a Pontiac Sunfire. It's probably better we skip over that whole experience. It was a real turd compared to my first car I paid for myself, which was a '98 Cavalier Z24. I bought totaled when I was 17. My Dad and I worked on it for about 3 months, so I really felt it was my first real car. http://i355.photobucket.com/albums/r445/martyr65/LoraCR/CavwithDad_zps2781b77c.jpg http://i355.photobucket.com/albums/r445/martyr65/LoraCR/LorainCAV_zps2fd235f7.jpg Me, at 17, thinking I had the bestest car in town! I had a 2006 Acura RSX when I was at OSU. Unfortunately, it wasn't the Type S, but at least it was a 5 speed. I graduated with a financial management degree and started a family with my husband. Between buying our first home and starting our family (one son), we've had to put performance cars on hold. (We've got a 2003 Town and Country Van and 2006 Civic, no need for pics of those here, though.) We're started our son out right with a racing poster in the nursery, car toys, car walker, car book bedtime stories, and of course a Recaro car seat. I'm going through the process of becoming a sponsor for the site also. When I get that all processed, I'll post a thread about my business and how I might be able to assist folks from CR. Feel free to ask if I haven't covered the basics. I hope to meet more of you at some upcoming CR events.
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