Hi CR! New to the forum, based loosely in Ohio but this is always subject to change. I have family and friends in Columbus, and I am typically in town at least once a month.
Outside of my day job in the aerospace industry, I build composite race car parts, (I own GOODAero, a provider of top tier aerodynamics products for road-course racing) as well as do aerodynamics and data engineering consulting for private racing teams. Lots of good stories and insights from those experiences for anyone interested.
I am also involved with the Ault Park Concours in Cincinnati if anyone here is of that persuasion as well. :thumbup:
Cars, subject to change on a near daily basis: 99 Audi A4 rallycrossin' wagon, 95 BMW 318is track car to be, 84 Mercedes Turbosaurus, 74 Saab Sonnet, 72 Mazda RX-2, 71 Alfa Romeo Spider.