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Mark Kaplan

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Everything posted by Mark Kaplan

  1. I am having the same issue with my 750 ACE. The rear cylnder head is stuck to the block. The manual says pull the engine, but I have seen guys avod that and slip the rear cylinder head off by removing the studs to make room - which I have done. I hesitate to use a pry bar, because I used one on an earlier fix and broke a chunk off a side cover, which I had to replace. None of the side covers are on the engine now, but the block has fiins which could easily snap off. Checked all the bolts, the manual, discusson forums... No go. I even used a torch to add some heat hoping that when it cooled it would create some space. I see no place to use a pry bar, and when I tred tapping it with a screwdriver, it looks like I just dented metal of the gasket. Of course the gentle rubber mallet hammer tap did nothing except loosen the gasket under the cylinder block, so the whole block come up when I try to lift off the head. I wonder how you did this without damaging any of the aluminum, and where and how you used the pry bay on the block. My pry bar is significantly too thick, and I can't find a place for the leverage. I am running out of ideas, and dread pulling the engine out because I am unsure this problem would be resolved even with the engine out. Suggestions?
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