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Everything posted by Casper

  1. Shout box will be back shortly. Pr0n should still be there. https://ohioriders.net/index.php?/forum/18-nws/ Do you not see it?
  2. I'm going to be working on it over the next few days/weeks. I'm trying to make it look very similar to how it looked before.
  3. If you're seeing the blue theme, check out the Theme dropdown at the bottom of every page. Try the OhioRiders theme.
  4. Thought you'd like it.
  5. I realize it doesn't look great yet. I have a lot to do with the style/theme. Just wanted to get it up and running for everyone to use.
  6. You may have noticed when you visit Ohio Riders now, you're redirected to https. This is to try to make things just a bit more secure. If you have any issues let me know. And yes, I know you will sometimes get error messages about some content not being secure. This is due to external images not using SSL. I'm working on a fix for that.
  7. Except they carry name brands from what I saw.
  8. http://www.cyclegear.com/search/go#?p=Q&lbc=cyclegear&uid=228943104&ts=ajax&w=*&isort=globalpop&method=and&view=grid&af=%20type%3aoncloseout&cnt=96 Never shopped there before, but looks like some great deals.
  9. http://www.cyclegear.com/DAINESE-Laguna-Seca-Evo-One-Piece-Perforated-Leather-Motorcycle-Suit Seems like a good deal for anyone looking.
  10. Casper

    Free couch

    You mean the one I sold?
  11. Casper

    Free couch

    Oh yeah at the wedding. Duh.
  12. Casper

    Free couch

    Funny enough, the new stuff is black leather.
  13. Casper

    Free couch

    Tell Howard he has a truck and to come get it since he hasn't met our little girl yet.
  14. Is that the one where you have to go outside and around the building to the bar?
  15. Casper

    Free couch

    Tan. Comes with some accent pillows. Couple stains. Mainly baby formula and dog drool. No love stains. Only one child conceived on it. Free to a good home. Would make a great basement or garage couch. It's going to the curb Friday morning so must be picked up before then if you want it.
  16. Thanks. Definitely agree. Best glove I've ever owned.
  17. Nada. Fingers were too loose. I also dropped ring sizes from 13 to 10 with the whole weight loss thing. Wanna try them on? Can meet for a beer or something.
  18. I bought these from Riders Discount back in May or June. Didn't fit, ordered different size, forgot to return these. Oops. Too late to return. Still have the tags and all. RD is selling them currently on closeout for $97.16 (https://www.ridersdiscount.com/alpinestars-sp-1-leather-gloves-2013-141867) and Amazon has them for $94.41 (http://www.amazon.com/Alpinestars-Leather-Gloves-Black-XX-Large/dp/B00BNQ5NQQ, curiously enough sold by Riders Discount). $90 shipped, $80 picked up, or best offer. Always interested in trades for cool stuff. Just ask.
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