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Everything posted by Casper

  1. So yeah, pretty sure it's legit.
  2. Seen several different views of this same thing posted. Pretty sure it's legit.
  3. Orange and red. Because I said so.
  4. But that ain't no marine LS1. (Those who know, know. Those who don't, don't.)
  5. As much as everyone made fun of me when I had my Katana, it sure was comfortable.
  6. 1 Ohio Riders 126 Keep it going!
  7. c7fx is the new Penguin Pass champion with a score of : 4950.000 Head over to the Arcade to claim your trophy!
  8. Casper


    Welcome aboard. What company were you Googling that led you hear?
  9. It was just me running around the woods naked again.
  10. Anyone have a hookup on MRE's?
  11. http://www.equipped.org/fm21-76.htm
  12. Also a 2x point bonus for clicking on links from Twitter: http://twitter.com/OhioRiders/status/166644409352462336
  13. 2x point bonus for traffic which comes from Facebook. Soooo, be sure to click the Armslist list link here also: https://www.facebook.com/OhioRiders/posts/266828913388270
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