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Status Updates posted by Casper

  1. How's it going man?

  2. How's marriage going? Seems like it's been forever since I saw you last. How's everything been?

  3. Huh? I didn't delete anything. What are you talking about?

  4. I have two sets of soft luggage. I usually use the Riggs on the VStrom. Which picture are you talking about?

  5. I hear congrats are in order! I'll have to swing up there and visit your ass. We haven't seen you in a long ass time.

  6. I still have a bunch. Just let me know when you want to swing by or where we can meet up. Honda Northwest has a bunch also.

  7. I still have this gift card for you... :)

  8. I'll make a video this winter of me and the Danger Ranger. :D

  9. Casper

    I'm game. Not tomorrow though. Have to run down to Cincy right after work.

  10. I'm itching to do a dual sport ride soon.

  11. I'm not quite sure I know what you're talking about. What website link are you talking about?

  12. I'm on standby for work. Blah.

  13. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hurt your back.

  14. Iron Pony has a few. I'll see if I can find something for you.

  15. It should tell you why it failed. Usually the image is too large, or not in jpg/gif/png format.

  16. Like our trip out west, there were only two reservations. Santa Fe and Gateway. The rest were just suggestions. But yeah, I kinda like the just winging it too. I have no problem doing the east coast this year. How many miles do you usually do in a day on average?

  17. Likewise. I had a blast. We definitely have to do that again, minus me breaking the target. I still feel bad about that.

  18. Long time no see!!!! You ride now? That's fucking awesome. I figured that had to be you, since DGTL GRL was your license plate. :lol:

  19. Man you disappear faster than blow at a stripper convention.

  20. Mr T... that's who I was trying to think of earlier.

  21. Must...... go........ riding.......

  22. No much. Same old shit, different day. Carie's doing the school thing right now. She isn't online much either. Damn you people getting edumacated.

  23. No problem. Enjoy.

  24. No problem. I hope you enjoy the site.

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