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Everything posted by Casper

  1. Something about his brother saying that this has been a few months coming. The doctors apparently told him transatlantic travel isn't advised or something.
  2. The ranch models (regular wood stock) start around $850 right now. The tactical models are being classified as "assault weapons" now, so they've skyrocketed. I saw one yesterday for $1600, and it's gone today.
  3. They seem to be going for around $1000+ for the tactical. That's why I'm more interested in trades. But if he wants to pay cash, he's more than welcome.
  4. Isn't that what he already did?I have a suspect in mind.
  5. Really all depends on what he's got and willing to part with.
  6. Bone stock. Two magazines. Near perfect, if not perfect, condition. I'm looking for a 1911 or nice O/U 12ga specifically, but am open to most firearms trades. Make me an offer. May be interested in larger quantities of .223/5.56, .40, .45, or .380 ammunition as well. PS: This one is specifically listed in Feinstein's bill to be banned if passed. Get 'er while she's hot.
  7. I forget which issue, but there's one in there talking about nuclear America, and how by the 60s-70s we'd be powered entirely by nuclear.
  8. What the hell is Gold Star?
  9. Not that it can't be easily spoofed...
  10. I'll pass. Last thing I need is to be a member of yet another Facebook group.
  11. First there's the news story: http://usnews.nbcnews.com/_news/2013/02/07/16884539-hunt-on-for-ex-lapd-officer-suspected-in-revenge-slayings?lite http://www.cnn.com/2013/02/07/us/lapd-attacks/index.html Ex cop suspected of killing cops, wanted, armed and dangerous, etc. Then there's this: http://ktla.com/2013/02/07/read-christopher-dorners-so-called-manifesto/#axzz2KEactzjD
  12. I believe these were the exact same reactions I had, in the same order.
  13. http://books.google.ca/books/serial/ISSN:00324558?rview=1&lr&sa=N&start=960
  14. Just figured I'd put this here. From March 2012: http://www.hightowerlowdown.org/node/2927#.URLWaB1FnFk
  15. Even faster than they thought.
  16. Where did you find the fee increase from $25 to $50 was due to Kasich and taxes?
  17. It's really nice of you guys to do all this work on my bike this winter. I really appreciate it.
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