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Status Updates posted by Casper

  1. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hurt your back.

  2. Glad you like it. LOL

  3. You're setting it as your profile picture. You want to set your avatar.

  4. Welcome back. What bike are you looking to get?

  5. Not sure. I think for at least a little bit. I have to be at work at 9p. My life sucks.

  6. You happen to know a Kristen Peden? She used to go by KP.

  7. I'll make a video this winter of me and the Danger Ranger. :D

  8. We should plan another one.

  9. You have fun tonight? Wish I could've stuck around. I'm still at work. Blah.

  10. The pitcher is never gay, just the catcher. I still can't believe you can squat like that.

  11. Casper

    Give me a call sometime during the week. We'll go out while you're here. I'm sure we can find something.

  12. Yeah they are, why do you ask?

  13. They may not have a forum, but their ads are still running.

  14. Best flights I could find are through Orbitz for $302 roundtrip including taxes/fees.

  15. I still have a bunch. Just let me know when you want to swing by or where we can meet up. Honda Northwest has a bunch also.

  16. The gallery is up and running. Enjoy.

  17. Where ya been man?

  18. Oh lol. Well thank you man. :D

  19. Where'd ya go stranger?

  20. Sorry I couldn't stick around. Work kinda owns my soul right now. I love the house. I wish we had a woodburner. Those are freaking awesome.

  21. Hola senior Mac! Long time no see man. How's everything going? Didn't really get to talk at the bike show.

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