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Everything posted by Putty

  1. Putty

    Root Droid X

    You got the X? Root that sumbitch and get SetCPU to underclock with profiles....mucho battery life....F T W http://lh4.ggpht.com/_NEvPcXQofAU/TDlt_JW284I/AAAAAAAAo5Y/88jK0_aJ--Q/CAP201007110008.jpg I didn't do the first and last one. Made my phone go into reboot loop.
  2. Oh...this Yousef doesn't use that BS purple looking BS cheap tint does he? I need the nice Sunguard shit.
  3. I called Quality and Yousef. Qual wants $89 and it'll take an hour to do. Yousef wants $79 and it'll take 30 mins. Looks like i'm headed to Groves Rd.
  4. I just called them....like just a sec ago....damn!
  5. Who do you suggest I give some business to???
  6. Putty

    Root Droid X

    Me has....lookit http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v640/CLovaR1/715a8e86.pnghttp://img.photobucket.com/albums/v640/CLovaR1/1abd9306.png
  7. Putty

    Swappers day

    Sweet! I'm going. This is good time.
  8. Putty

    Moms neighbor...

    They just had a new baby..
  9. Putty

    Moms neighbor...

    I have no idea. My mom was told from the neighbor next to her, that's good friends with them. They did everything with those dogs...I can't imagine her doing this intentionally. Had to be a long time to kill all three.
  10. Putty

    Droid root ???

    Deal with the 10secs at the end.....amirite??
  11. So she has three competition dogs. They are always in field behind their house throwing frisbees and they catch them with high leaps and flips and shit. They run endurance tracks and all that crap as well with them. The wife owner took them somewhere the other day in the car and got out and left them in there. All three died from heat.
  12. Putty

    Droid root ???

    Why not take the vid off to your PC, edit it, then upload it back to the phone?
  13. Putty

    Droid root ???

    FINALLY I am rooted!!! Overclocked to 1.14, SU running the baked snacks rom. Loving this phone
  14. I love that shit. I dunk everything in it.
  15. Putty

    Droid root ???

    Here is another question...figured the first one out. I downloaded a rom that has the radio, wimax and a kernel. When do you flash the kernel?
  16. Putty

    Droid root ???

    So look....I started this. got 2.2 off after doing all the adb steps. I completed all that. Now I am at the HBOOT USB section. Windows detects the Android 1.0 and wants the driver. I have pulled down atleast 10 sets of drivers and I cannot extract the .dll files from it. tells me the file is corrupt. Pulling it directly from the public site. Since I cannot get this driver installed, I can't proceed to unrevoked steps. Any idea or anyone have a good zip of the drivers??
  17. Hmmm, I'd like to see that. Where was the IP4 camera when you needed it, ghos??
  18. Who owns it? Very nice car. I passed you on Morse yesterday evening.
  19. Anybody wanna come pick me up...lol. My trailer is dead.
  20. Fuck I missed this....I need in baaaad
  21. LOL...Thanks, I guess. We used the Quikrete epoxy. As someone else said, it's not very durable. Since the don't ride my streetbikes that often and they sit in one place, when I've gone to move them it peels the shit right off from the tires sitting there so long. I probably put 10 coats of clear over it before I put anything on it. Also, it's very slippery when wet...even with the use of a lot of the flakes. I had to get a small pint of the shit and touch it up several times. I re-clear it probably every summer...The cars in the winter when it's snowing drops those huge chunks of black snow off to the floor with all the salt and shit....eats the clear right up. Looks nice, easy to clean spills and such, but a lot of work to maintain the pretty shiney finish....imo.
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