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Everything posted by Putty

  1. Yikes.....I'll miss the ZX-RR...who's next http://www.motorcyclenews.com/MCN/sport/sportresults/mcn/2008/December/29-31/dec3008-kawasaki-to-quit-motogp/?&R=EPI-105277
  2. It was a Ninja or appeared to be. Could not tell the year.
  3. Sam has a good one for sale in that $$ range.
  4. I could not find a site that showed the bike all torn to pieces. http://www.10tv.com/live/content/local/stories/2008/12/29/story_crash.html?sid=102 This is why motorcycles should not be on the road in Dec. First too much shit on the roads. Second the roads are too damn cold and the tires hook like shit. Third CARS ARE NOT LOOKING FOR BIKES in DECEMBER!!!
  5. These are nice, but entirely too much shit to pack up. Too many cables that are tangled all to hell.....
  6. I dont wanna play in the market with this. I know it's a 17 year savings, so I think a 529 at like $10 a pay or whatever will be a decent savings.
  7. So I have the little girl on the way. I guess it's time for me to start a savings plan for her. I am slightly familiar with the 529 plan. Are there any others? Pros/cons? Does money go in these weekly or monthly?
  8. View from our snorkel boat in Bahamas Awww, kittahs! What crossed the road.
  9. The house http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/28385277
  10. Putty

    sam sam sam

    HA HAAAA!!! Big uns need lovin too, huh Sam!?
  11. Remind me never to eat at your place.....no special sauce for me!
  12. Bringing them up means you really wish they are out at this party we speak of.
  13. What's goings on here? Dinos are dumb. Too much $$ wasted on research about them. Who cares!
  14. You sumbitches are too slow on the pic delivery game.
  15. http://i60.photobucket.com/albums/h3/Ridepix/pic002.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v640/CLovaR1/IMG_0653.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v640/CLovaR1/IMG_0655.jpg **Kimber gone **
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