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Everything posted by Putty

  1. Probably cause I can't sell my house in this BS economy.
  2. Dude I didn't leave the house yesterday until about 7pm...I had no idea it was so cold. DAMN! This is some BS!!!
  3. Damn I want that surefire shit. I'm a dead man if I spend that kind of cash now all at once.
  4. Lazy got a hold of me..lay off!
  5. I am ashamed of my choice...that is why. I ended up with a large cheese only from Papa Johns. It was damn good though. I have 4 cheese sauces and a garlic...I had the wife dice up the peppers and I place atop the cheese..ummmm GOOD! OK...let me have it.
  6. I just ate the pizza...I'm full and sleepy
  7. A post like this means it's good.
  8. That sucks....my M&P will...written on the side. Friend has same gun...his won't...Smith changed this.
  9. Someone called before him. "The meter reader is not the only one, or the first, to have pointed police toward the site containing the remains. KioMarie Cruz, Casey Anthony's childhood friend, also told police to investigate the same wooded area near Hidden Oaks Elementary School a month before the meter reader"
  10. Wait until tonight....She's going off.
  11. Sad......poor girl http://www.cnn.com/2008/CRIME/12/19/caylee.anthony/index.html
  12. Redlights I see in your future....lol mine too
  13. Mike just invited me over. I wanna stay for 3hrs and 20mins.
  14. My alarm is my cellphone, so if I leave in vibrate or silent....I am LATE.
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