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Everything posted by Putty

  1. Give me both at the same time and I could die right afterwards....
  2. http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2378/1697653382_741f40dd82_o.jpg http://adsoftheworld.com/files/images/Gisele_1em-baixa.jpg http://adsoftheworld.com/files/images/Gisele_3-em-baixo.jpg http://luminescencias.blogspot.com/Gisele_Bundchen_20050731.jpg http://adsoftheworld.com/files/images/Ipanema1.jpg http://adsoftheworld.com/files/images/Ipanema5.jpg http://adsoftheworld.com/files/images/Ipanema2.jpg LIMA http://people.smu.edu/mdailey/images/_-_Adriana%20Lima%2012%20%28xynieh%20sig%29.jpg http://blogs.allocine.fr/blogsdatas/mdata/5/5/8/Z20060415191302277186855/img/adriana_lima6.jpg Edited the last one as a link only. See-through nips = NWS http://i.wp.pl/a/f/jpeg/11031/adriana_lima0apw2001070200538.jpeg -Vince P.S. Awesome picture.
  3. Regardless if it's an instrument or not...it's talent....whether you think it is or not. All musicans/artists, no matter the genre, have talent of their own. If you can't do it obviously it's a talent you don't possess. A turntable is a hell of a talent. YouTube a DJ Jazzy Jeff or Kid Capri DJ session and name ONE person you know that can do it...bet you can't. Rap is a rhyming talent just as other singers, rockers have a talent.
  4. No order of best to worst, but top 5. 1. Adriana Lima 2. Kim Kardashian 3. Gisele B 4. Roselyn Sanchez 5. Petra Nemcova I left out a few I can't think of, but you get the idea.....
  5. True words....60 or better for any bike of mine to leave the garage.. You should go..good riding and cool guys. Great trails there. Really rough terrain. I'm down to hit the place you mentioned as soon as the weather breaks......ie spring.
  6. I usually shower the GF in Tiffany's crap, but not this year....Oh well.
  7. O holy night.....Mariah or Whitney....even Beyonce.... game over
  8. I just bought a new house....Not much of shit is coming from me this year...
  9. DOT DOT And F'ing DOT Dude is a joke!
  10. Great work and congrats! 50s this weekend....lets get em out!!
  11. Putty

    Awww kittahs!!

    I found this on another forum....Gotta love kids... "So there I was . . . just relaxing in front of the TV, when the kids yelled, Hey Dad, come see the kittens." http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v640/CLovaR1/kit.jpg
  12. My dad has those on his Kimber...Can't even tell they are there...Very nice. The trigger pull on a Glock is crap to me...It hurts my fingertip..That whole "safety" thing is pain.
  13. Kimber requires a tool to take a part..... I can't do that.
  14. .....that's silly there..
  15. I carry everywhere now. I take a shit with it....TMI...too bad.
  16. I saw the R8 on the streets while in LA this year....Simply amazing!!!!
  17. Putty

    Free Porn...

    Don't fuk with me....you'll go down.
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