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Everything posted by Putty

  1. STFU and go away....Noob! Numbers don't sway too far from this in the last three years either... http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v640/CLovaR1/pou.jpg So now only blacks can get welfare...There may be more blacks on it, but there are a fair amount of whites on it, too! Maybe the $2.13 your mom made was more than the NOTHING the other lady was making....ever think that, genius? No one told your mom to fill out the app for a $2.13 job....she chose to, whether that was all she could find or she wanted to do that job, she did it. One time I got a big speeding ticket that needed an attorney...I couldn't afford one, so I inquired about a court appointed. I was told I made too much for that....Oh well, I did what I had to do. Sick of walking into places and people got attitude cause they got a fucked up job......QUIT.!! No one pulled you in and forced you to fill out the app...
  2. Putty

    Fs 2005 Yz250f

    Don't make your YZ out to be more than it is....Kinda like my 10r over your GSXR.....Your YZ could be geared already....you said yourself yours seems like it winds out before mine. Nah...looks good, but my CR will be a bad mofo once I am done with it... I stay all over my clutch....I love snappin out of corners.
  3. HA! Funny shit....I don't even want to discuss what kids are getting away with now. A lot more shit than kids did when I came up. To this day, I have a parental fear of my parents. These new kids teach the parents.
  4. Thanks....Proof for the doubters.... http://i60.photobucket.com/albums/h3/Ridepix/IMG00041.jpg
  5. By the way, fuck the fat bitch...The pic is on my desk.
  6. My point to him for comparing 24" spinning rims and nooses.....NOT the same!
  7. That's not the same....Nothing close. Nooses are known for hanging people. More commonly known for whites hanging blacks....Hence the reason simple minded kids are hanging them on black professors doors, etc. However, since you brought up the Wild West and Witch shit.....there again they were used to kill people, so the semblance a noose displays instantly brings death, whether black or white, most black, to a persons mind. To me, a lot of things are legal and i'm allowed to do it, but if I feel that what I do is going to ruffle the feathers of others regardless of how meaningless it may be to me.....I shouldn't do it. For instance....I have this sexy ass pic my GF had taken of her on her bike with a skirt on w/ a swimsuit top and heels.....I want to put it on my desk at work....hell, everyone wears swimsuits and skirts, women, but some fat bitch is going to see it and get offended.....
  8. Actually.....A lady took a pic of it and called the police. They showed up and told him someone drove by and was offended by it. He said his two 10yr old daughters thought up the hanging and nothing racial was intended. He removed it and apologized on TV to anyone he or his family may have offended. Nothing about threatening arrest was ever mentioned. Also, who gives a shit what's going on elsewhere with blk/white bickering, if it does not immediately affect you or your family. So Nooses get banned....who cares...do you use them somewhere that will never be the same cause they would be illegal(rhetorical). There's a lot more BS going on in the world that we need to be concerned about verses a racial war...
  9. Geez!!! Another race related thread, Satan.
  10. Putty

    Cheating wife

    LMAO! These are all over the place....Here's one... A "heads up" for those men who may be regular Home Depot customers. Over the last month I became a victim of a clever scam while out shopping. Simply going out to get supplies has turned out to be quite traumatic. Don't be naive enough to think it couldn't happen to you or your friends. Here's how the scam works: Two seriously good-looking 20-21 year-old girls come over to your car as you are packing your shopping into the trunk. They both start wiping your windshield with a rag and Windex, with their breasts almost falling out of their skimpy T-shirts. It is impossible not to look. When you thank them and offer them a tip, they say "No" and instead ask you for a ride to another Home Depot. You agree and they get in the backseat. On the way, they start undressing. Then one of them climbs over into the front seat and starts crawling all over you, while the other one steals your wallet. I had my wallet stolen August 4th, 9th, 10th, twice on the 15th, 17th, 20th, & 24th. Also September 1st, 4th, twice on the 8th, 16th, 23, three times just yesterday and very likely again this upcoming weekend. So tell your friends to be careful.
  11. He's addicted to that special duty cash....
  12. I like to put the cart before the horse....Oh well.
  13. Dunno, but I know where to get a stripper pole. >
  14. Putty

    IPOD help...

    HA HA HA!!!! http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v640/CLovaR1/5c2c7c722a.gif
  15. I got a spare gun or two you can borrow... I don't think they would come back in a different day. If they took as much as you say they did, I'm willing to bet they took all they wanted. Things you may have taken probably had no value to them or would have been too much of a hassle to remove. Also, they know it's been reported and other tenants of your building are on the lookout..
  16. Let me know if you need anything I may have to help out....
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